new effects in channel-layouts

I noticed, that it's not possible to integrat the new effects (level) in a channel-layout. It offers me only the old dynamics...

Perhaps an idea?

It would offer an other way to select an effect-playback...!?

[edited by: Daniel Tschanz at 10:32 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 21 2008]
  • But you can already do this!!!  In the channel layout, just type # Effect Insert.  This will give you your effects in the standard channel format.  I like to do this because then you don't have to use up any dock spaces for the effects dock.  The only issue I've encountered is it doesn't display Effect 1 correctly, for me it displays 1025 (I assume this is because I have 1024 channels set up and the next free channel is 1025???)  After that, however, all the Effects are displayed and you can put them wherever you want them.


  • The issue with E1 has been corrected in an upcoming release. Sorry about that. All other Effect channels should work fine in layouts as well.
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