
Greetings everyone! I.m new around here and I,m working on Congo for about 6 monts in national television! I have some questions about software v 4.2.1? The conzole reports some mistake regarding volume controle and asks to run check disk utility! The mistake is before showing the browser tab so I can not save on the USB like it said in manual! Sorry about my English but I hope that you understand me! Thank you!
  • Hi Dragan,

    If you can boot to the Heartbeat Screen and go to settings, you should be able to recover your files.

    In settings select 'Advanced Settings'  and this will open the windows explorer.

    Your Play files are probably in the D drive, labelled plays and in folder called 'Plays' in the 'Congo' folder.

    You can then copy and paste them to your USB drive.

    Somebody who is more familiar may be able to correct me if I'm wrong -but that's what I've just had to do after a similar error !

    Good Luck


  • Hi Dragan,

    If you can boot to the Heartbeat Screen and go to settings, you should be able to recover your files.

    In settings select 'Advanced Settings'  and this will open the windows explorer.

    Your Play files are probably in the D drive, labelled plays and in folder called 'Plays' in the 'Congo' folder.

    You can then copy and paste them to your USB drive.

    Somebody who is more familiar may be able to correct me if I'm wrong -but that's what I've just had to do after a similar error !

    Good Luck


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to Richard J

    Afternoon -

     Richard, you are correct, if you wish to grab ALL of your play files from your play archive (the D partition on the HD) this is the quickest way to copy them to your USB device.

     The other way would be to open each of the shows and go to the Browser, Files, USB, Save AS.  This will save the current play to your USB drive.


