MIDI Time Code OUT

Hi All,

Is it possible that Congo can send MIDI Time Code (there is MIDI OUT out socket in Congo) ?

Theatre who owns Congo asked the question. They have a PC with movies to play during the show. They want to press [GO] on Congo to change Preset in Sequence and start movie on PC (they have a checked system to do that).

If it is possible, please write how to enable it ;-)

Seems that Time Code should be send continuously in order to play movie (25fps).

Thanks for any ideas and have a nice day!


  • Congo cannot send MIDI Time Code, only receive.

    Are there any other methods to control the external PC that they could use instead? LIke sending some special MIDI command (Congo can send any sequence of MIDI bytes from a sequence step) or using MIDI Show Control commands.

  • Hi Adam,


    But how would that work??

    MTC is a clock that just runs. The only way it could work is that a certain step in the sequence started the clock and then the sequence has to be prorammed with MTC to run with it. Make sense?

    I think it would be easier to start each film with a Midi command.

    What program do they want to control??





    [edited by: Bullen at 4:22 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 27 2008]
  • Hi Bullen,

    Thanks to Anders and Your posts I think to solve it by MIDI Commands. I am in a point I don’t know two things:

    1. Does the hardware configuration will do that MIDI Commands from Congo will be received on PC:
    Congo MIDI Out > M-Audio Uno* > USB > PC > Software?
    * maybe should be different interface?

    2. For now I don’t know any Software that could read MIDI commands from Congo.

    Yesterday there was a Guy with Video Player software on Mac, that allows to send/receive MIDI Time Code (M-Audio Midisport 2x2 was used). But today theatre gave me info it was only a test so finally there is a need to find software on PC (Video player + MIDI commands receiving).

    Thanks for any ideas ;-)


  • Hi Adam

    If the theater has not decieded on what program to use. I would suggest www.arkaos.net which you can control via DMX, Midi or a PC Keyboard.

    It's not that expensive and will do the job.


