Channel Number Limitations

Hi again,

Just a quick question, where is the option that limits the number of desk channels ?

The reason for asking is that I normally would number, say, Mac 2000's as ch 2001, 2002, etc and the desk won't let me.

I remember Jeemy saying that there was a setting somewhere but I can't remember where and I can't find any reference to it in the manual...

Thanks for your help (again)



Parents Reply Children
  • The channel name is what is actually displayed in the Live display (and others), so if you rename your channels, you would type the names and the only place the old channel numbers would be visible is in the patch views.

    You will have to clear out names you intend to use before assigning them to new channels though. So in this case, find channels 2001... and clear out their names, then you can rename your Mac channels to those numbers. 

    Thanks -


  • Be aware that, at least in v4.2.1, when your channels are re-named, once selected in a group, 'Next' and 'Last' will still refer to , and select via, the original channel numbers, not their new names.  I have not upgraded to v4.3.0 yet and don't know if this behavior is the same.

