Am I being Greedy

Hi all, OK tonight I started planning my show and I came aross I can only have up to 100 on my direct selects buttons (which i knew but I must of had a dream you could have more !!!!!!!!). Is there anyway of having more options i.e go up to 300.

The reason for this is I have my movers and scrollers and other fixtures and stage wash's and I've done my groups up to 210.  Can I put these onto the direct select buttons or is the only way to do this by putting my groups into the master playbacks as I have them now and selecting thses from there.



  • Hi Crlos -

    There's no way to get any data type over 100 onto the direct selects. You have a few options:

    1) Renumber your groups so that they fall into the 1-100 space.

    2) Place groups numbered higher than 100 onto the masters.

    3) Recall groups higher than 100 using the # GROUP syntax on the keypad.

    4) Create a channel layout with all those groups on it and use the trackball (or if you have a touchscreen that does not require special driver software, you could use that).

    Thanks -


  • Hi Crlos -

    There's no way to get any data type over 100 onto the direct selects. You have a few options:

    1) Renumber your groups so that they fall into the 1-100 space.

    2) Place groups numbered higher than 100 onto the masters.

    3) Recall groups higher than 100 using the # GROUP syntax on the keypad.

    4) Create a channel layout with all those groups on it and use the trackball (or if you have a touchscreen that does not require special driver software, you could use that).

    Thanks -

