Radio Focus Remote on Congo 5.1


I upgrade our consoles to Congo 5.1 and our RFR is not working with this software. I found in the "System settings" the folder RFR and "Firmware Update". I downloaded the new FirmWare 2.0 from ETC and start upgrade all our RFR and the upgrade works fine, no error, except that I need to upgrade on a Congo demo... no problems...

When I try the new updated RFR in the system our remote "search Base Station" and nothing more happens...

Is there anyone who coluld explain all the steps we need to do, to setup our remotes in 5.1both "normally" whith the basestation connencted on USB or Ethernet?

Best regards


Parents Reply Children
  • I'll try little more before...

    On my laptop, do I need a special IP/Netmask/GateWay?

    Best regards

  • There are many possible IP configurations. ETC recommends:

    Laptop IP:

    Laptop Subnet:

    Laptop Gateway:


    RFR Base Station:

    RFR Subnet:

    RFR Gateway:


    Please also make sure that your Congo IP is also set to :

    Congo IP:

    Congo Subnet:

    Congo Gateway:


    And now? :D

  • It should be noted that the IP addresses above are for the first computer/RFR base station/Congo Console placed onto the network.

    For additional items, increment the last number - eg a second RFR basestation would be, the third would be

    Congo Jr consoles should be and up.

    The Gateway address should usually be the same as the IP address on a non-routed network - this makes the network stack start up faster, and prevents the device asking somebody else to connect it somewhere and loading their network stack with useless requests.

    I would recommend keeping to these 'standard' ranges, because it makes it much easier to add additional equipment, and it makes life much easier when troubleshooting as you know roughly what the IP address of various pieces of equipment are going to be.

  • Unknown said:

    And now? :D

    I go home and sleep... :D

    First time I set up my laptop I skip the gateway adress and thats why I did´t see my base station. When I wrote the gateway adress I found BS on IP 169... So it´s fixed with for all of our BaseStation.

    In Congo setup for the Network starts with NET 0 and for the remote it´s starting with NetWork ID 1 to 99. What is this remote NetWork ID for? I could also chose a group number, what´s that for? The frequence is no problem... ;)

    Before I run home and get the kids from school I connect everything together into the network with all IP configured and restart the system. Network cable in BS to the network switch and USB cable for power to the BS (pluged into the concoles because I don´t have POE power yet). I start up my remote and it´s still looking for the basestation and after a while I got a new menu "Connected to USB" and few steps more with "-" sign...

    What remote network/group should I use? What should I choose in Congo system settings in RFR map? Is there anything more to fix in our Congo setup? Remote is enabled "play setup", and all 4 remote types is also enabled in Remote menu... Is there anything on the remote that need to be fixed with some changes in the software?

    We use Congo NET 0 for WYSIWYG performance station on a Congo JR and NET 1 for mainstage with three Congo consoles. NET 0 is only IPX and NET1 is with streaming ACN and I don´t remember if ther´s another network settings on or if it´s just streaming ACN. But tomorrow I could check that.

    Best regards

  • Hi Tommy -

    There's some confusion here between GCE and Congo naming conventions.

    In Congo the Logical Network is what you are using to set which console communicates with WYG and which commnicate together using server/backup and client connections.This has no effect on the RFR.

    In GCE, RFR setttings are named HF Channel, which equals the frequency used for communication between the handheld and the base station, and Network ID, which on Congo is known as Group, allows you to configure which handhelds communicate with which base station. The important thing is for the settings to be the same on a handheld and the base station it needs to communicate with.

    Make sense?

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah and other experts, :)

    Now I have setup my system in this way... This is for Congo setup...

    BaseStation setup in GCE...

    When I start up my remote...

    ...and after a while...

    If I pressed the left wheel on row under "Direct USB" I got the message
    "Conecting to Console"
    "Console not found"

    Our Congo consoles is on Congo NET1.

    What have I missed?


  • Hi Tommy,

    Are you connecting the base station through USB or network?

    It isn't clear from your image of the RFR display if the focused line below "Direct USB" displays a text or not. What is written on this line?

  • Hi Anders,

    Both network cable and USB are connected to the consoles because I need power to the BS. I'am going to buy some POE's later for the BS...

    But now when I try to fix all setup in my office, the BS USB is in a LapTop with GCE for the power, and RJ45 to our Congo network. So the picture is when I try to get this working with all stuff in my office.

    Best ragards

  • So essentially you are trying to connect through the network. What does the line `below Direct USB on your RFR say? Does it say Congo something?

  • Nope, first line "Direct USB" and rest of the line "-"...


  • Then the base station cannot see the Congo on the network (or a local connection through USB which makes sense since you only use USB for power).

    Is the Net3/ACN option activated on the Congo? In order to communicate with the base station over the network, this option needs to be active.

  • Hey Tommy,


    I think its the point where we should do get this running on the phone now. ;)

    You can call our London Office under +44 (0)20 8896 1000

    Or our Germany Office (where we are now) under +49 8024 4700 238

    Or you can give us your contact data and we will call you up. ;)


    Its best to call when you are at the console.


    [edited by: corey at 2:31 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 6 2009]
  • Oki Anders, that was the problem all the time... we don´t have Net3/ACN on in the setup.

    We only have "streaming ACN" in the setup on the main system...

    Thanks Anders!


    [edited by: MacTommy at 4:31 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Feb 5 2009]
  • Excellent!

    I am sorry if this wasn't pointed out clearly in the update instructions. We'll improve that.


  • I didn´t found any document for the RFR console 5.1 setup... :)

    When Bullen change our DMX 4-port Gateways to "streaming ACN" we clear all network communication that we thought we don´t need to have. Other that done this upgrade probably have Net3/SCN already runnig. Perfect thing to write down in the new installation/setup manual for RFR and 5.1 Network. :)

    To ask some more things about RFR so other can read about it before the new setup document is ready... In the GCE we have HF State, "Master/slave". Could I use two BaseStation on same frequence to use one remote for wide area?

    If I got two RFR/BS and want connect them to the same consoles at same time, is it possible? How do I setup the system RFR1: HF channel?, NetworkID/Group?... RFR2:  HF channel?, NetworkID/Group?... Could I use "Master/Slave" setup with my BS and use both RFR at the same time running at the same consoles?

    Best ragads
