Remote Control Question...

Hi there,

We've been experiencing the joys of the Radio Remote Fucus Control for the Congo ( cRRFU ) this week and have found an apparent anomoly.

We use all of our desks in 'at' mode rather than the frankly baffling RPN but the Remote control unit does not seem to follow the settings of the desk and only seems to work in RPN !

This will potentially cause us much confusion, and will mean that the Remote will not be suitable for general operational use.

So, my question is... Is there currently a way (that we're missing) which allows changing the operational mode of the Remote to 'at' mode ? Or is there likely to be any way to do this in the future ?

Thanks for your help


  • Hm, we tried using our console in "at" mode for awhile, but if felt like an uphill battle and "at" mode doesn't alter the way the console works globally which only seems to add to the confusion. It doesn't fix your problem, but it may be worth trying to get everyone on the RPN boat.  It is baffling at first, but ultimately faster and more in tune with how the console wants to be programmed.


  • Personally, I agree with Jen on this one.

    The normal "RPN" mode takes quite a bit of getting used to, but once you have wrapped your head around it it's actually considerably faster.
    I've had this discussion a few times when training, and come to the conclusion that it's better to try to learn RPN if you have the time. 

    The only change "At" mode makes is that channel selection and level setting is done the "normal" way around - all other desk functions remain in RPN.
    When training, I've found that this tends to confuse people as they spend a while going "Channel x thru y at z", then suddenly have to go "# [Record] & [Group]", which leads to an instant "WTF?" moment - not what we want!

    It can also confuse if you hit [Ch], then decide that you actually don't want to select a channel but you want to do something else, eg select a Group. Hit 1 Group, and you've actually selected channel 1. With RPN, this can't happen.

    However, when you spend the early time on the console going "x Channel y thru z at level", then the other functions make sense from the outset.

    This is especially true once you get into the more advanced functions of the console - instant timing changes with # [Time], "sneaking" palettes in via # [Direct Select] (love that one!), jumping to a Preset blind editor via # [Modify] & [Preset] etc.

    "At Mode" is useful though, as it's better for visiting operators who simply don't have the time to learn RPN, and Jeremy tells me that it can be easier when working with certain LDs - I'm not convinced of that myself, but he has more experience than I do!

    Unfortunately, # [Ch] # [Thru] is a bit of a hard one to wrap your head around at first - but in the interest of consistency, I believe it's the better way.

    However, there's at least two ways to do everything in Congo, so you always get to choose which is better in your situation.

  • I have to agree that while RPN takes a little while to get used (even longer to get used to translating "designer speak" to RPN) to it is considerably faster after a little while on the board and at mode doesn't work for me at all because it doesn't build muscle memory the same way.

     Switching back and forth between Congo and Obsession still throws me though. (We have both boards in a two stage venue)

  • Hi again     Sorry I've been away for a while but I'm on holiday in Iceland at the moment (it's very nice)     While I take on board your arguments, RPN is simply NOT an option for us.    Where one or two regular board ops might be able to get their heads round it it just won't cut it in our situation where a number of people, used to using other consoles which work more in an 'at' mode kind of way, have to operate.   If there hadn't been an 'at' mode we would have strongly resisted the choice of Congo for this very reason.    It's not gonna happen. End of story. If there hadn't been an 'at' mode we would have strongly resisted the choice of Congo for this very reason.      My point was that if the remote control can't be made to operate in 'at' mode it is of almost no use to us at all.   So if it cannot (which would seem to be rather odd and a bit of a hole in the logic) what would our options be for something that does operate the desk remotely in the mode to which it is set ?     Oh, and while I'm on my soapbox, by way of feedback, it would be really useful if the remote unit had some kind of display on it to show what keys you had pressed -or at least to show which keys of those you had pressed which it had registered !        Off to chill (literally) on an iceberg-strewn beach...   Richard    -sorry about the lack of line breaks, don't know what's going on there.

    [edited by: Richard J at 7:09 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 18 2007] [edited by: Richard J at 6:56 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 18 2007]
  • Hi again     Sorry I've been away for a while but I'm on holiday in Iceland at the moment (it's very nice)     While I take on board your arguments, RPN is simply NOT an option for us.    Where one or two regular board ops might be able to get their heads round it it just won't cut it in our situation where a number of people, used to using other consoles which work more in an 'at' mode kind of way, have to operate.   If there hadn't been an 'at' mode we would have strongly resisted the choice of Congo for this very reason.    It's not gonna happen. End of story. If there hadn't been an 'at' mode we would have strongly resisted the choice of Congo for this very reason.      My point was that if the remote control can't be made to operate in 'at' mode it is of almost no use to us at all.   So if it cannot (which would seem to be rather odd and a bit of a hole in the logic) what would our options be for something that does operate the desk remotely in the mode to which it is set ?     Oh, and while I'm on my soapbox, by way of feedback, it would be really useful if the remote unit had some kind of display on it to show what keys you had pressed -or at least to show which keys of those you had pressed which it had registered !        Off to chill (literally) on an iceberg-strewn beach...   Richard    -sorry about the lack of line breaks, don't know what's going on there.

    [edited by: Richard J at 7:09 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 18 2007] [edited by: Richard J at 6:56 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 18 2007]

    RPN is the way i learned to control desks, and i get as confused as you guys when i have to work on a "at mode" desk. Don't forget it is difficult to change the way you type, RPN to At mode, and At mode to RPN. It is just a matter of time and openmindness. And don't tell me RPN is too slow to type. I always type faster using RPN than Light Designers can tell me what to do on the console. Please do not forget Congo is an AVAB-ETC product, since AVAB is the best and fastest way to record, edit and manage presets and sequences. 
    Please open your minds and you will do it just fine.

    Stephan, 10 years RPN user on 202, 211, Expert, Presto, Pronto and Congo.
  • Hi   I fear we are straying from the point.   We work, have always worked AND WISH TO CONTINUE TO WORK in 'at' mode -it's not about being open or closed minded, it's about CHOICE, it's about what best suits our needs and it's a way of working that Congo (supposedly) offers.   This isn't a thread about the pros and cons of RPN, 'at' mode or smoked cheese, it's about an inconsistency in the way the remote control unit interfaces with the console.   We want a remote control unit which is a direct remote for the console, in other words, if I press a sequence of buttons on the remote, exactly the same thing should happen as if I were physically pressing the buttons on the console itself, however it happens to be set up.   This unit seems to be trying to do something unnecessarily clever and, at present, does not meet our needs.   What I need to know us whether this remote unit can be made to work the way we want it to work (ie. mimic the button presses on the congo, or at least be able to be switched into 'at' mode), whether there is an aternative which will or whether we have to go back to the drawing board to look at how to address our problem of remote control.   Thanks again   Richard
  • Just let me say that we are well aware about this limitation. It is our intention to add the capability to work in At mode from the remote control as well in a future software version.
  • Thanks Anders,   That's all we needed to know.   Cheers,   Richard