GOTO preset

In my sequence list I have used several presets repeatedly, going back and forth a couple times.  I was wondering what the behavior of GOTO was when set for presets.

Sequence 1 sample:

Step 65  Preset 129

Step 66  Preset 130

Step 67  Preset 131

Step 68  Preset 130

Step 69  Preset 131

Step 70  Preset 132

Step 71  Preset 136

Step 72  Preset 137

Step 73  Preset 131


If I'm sitting in step 71, which step will be loaded if I press "131 GOTO"?

I convinced my LD that instead of re-recording new cues we could just re insert the preset, does anyone have any suggestions on how to not confuse the board op and the SM?

Much thanks

  • I've wondered that myself when I reuse presets.  The only way I know to get to the exact step you want is to go into the system settings and have the GOTO set to Step instead of preset, then have the board op and SM use the step numbers instead of the preset numbers.  The real problem with this, of course, is if you have to insert a step after everyone has their scripts marked, you have to renumber everything from that point! 

  • I've wondered that myself when I reuse presets.  The only way I know to get to the exact step you want is to go into the system settings and have the GOTO set to Step instead of preset, then have the board op and SM use the step numbers instead of the preset numbers.  The real problem with this, of course, is if you have to insert a step after everyone has their scripts marked, you have to renumber everything from that point! 

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