Congo Jr Playback issue

Hi again,

Now, I'm probably doing something really stupid but...

 I have a Sequence loaded to my playback. Hitting 'Go' or using the crossfaders advances the Sequence, which is good, but I wanted to dip my active file by pulling down the 'A' fader and nothing happened ! -The cahnnels are shown in 'Live' as being at their present values. They aren't on anywhere else (if I clear the Playback, it goes dark). The Grand Master does pull the level down but I'm really puzzled as to why I can't dip the level of my active sequence step with the 'A' fader !?

 Answers on a postcard ?



  • If you have the channel on in the A field and in the B field, moving the A fader to 0 won't change the intensity because of the dipless calculation.

    This logic makes sure that channels will always move straight from the value in A to the value in B without a dip.

  • Hmmm...

     I've got the Playback to crossfade both ways, but have the same preset in both steps of my sequence.

    Deleting the second step allows me to dip the fader at will but leaves me exposed to cutting to dark on an accidental knock of the 'Go' button.

    Is there any way to disable the dipless crossfade feature -(there are a few occasions where this might be useful) or is it a fundamental feature of the Congo ?

    Would setting the Playback to not advance sequence solve the problem of cutting to the empty step that seems to be added to the end of every sequence ?

    Thanks Again


  • In answer to my own question, the 'Don't Advance Playback' option will suit my needs in ths situation...

    Would still be interested in disabling the Dipless Crossfade for other applications though...




  • Couple of answers:

    It sounds like you want a 'Master' for the Main Playback - is that right?

    In that case, you could try putring your Sequence onto a Master, then connecting the Playback controls to that Master by holding [Connect] and pressing the Master Key.
    On Junior, this then means that the AB fader pair controls the Main Playback, while [GO], [SEQ+], [SEQ-] etc controls the sequence on the Master.
    On fullsize Congos, there is a seperate set of Master Playback controls. 

    You'll then have a fader that masters the levels from that sequence - however, you won't have manual control of the crossfade, so this may not be suitable.


    To get rid of the 'empty' step at the end of the Sequence: 

    Hit [Setup], and in the Crossfade tab, tick the box marked "Don't Loop Sequence".

    In this mode, the sequence will advance until the final step, then it will stop and stay there no matter how many times you hit GO.
    However, the manual crossfader pair still loops.

    The "Blackout" is actually Preset Zero - the standard fade-to-black you get if you hit 0 [Goto] - and when the sequence loops, this obviously comes before the first step is played for a second time.

    "Don't Advance Playback" 'freezes' the sequence in Main Playback, so [GO] doesn't do anything, and the crossfader pair simply crossfades back and forth between two states.
    [SEQ+] and [SEQ-] still snap forward and back through the playlist as usual.

    [edited by: Richard at 10:43 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 30 2007]
  • Couple of answers:

    It sounds like you want a 'Master' for the Main Playback - is that right?

    In that case, you could try putring your Sequence onto a Master, then connecting the Playback controls to that Master by holding [Connect] and pressing the Master Key.
    On Junior, this then means that the AB fader pair controls the Main Playback, while [GO], [SEQ+], [SEQ-] etc controls the sequence on the Master.
    On fullsize Congos, there is a seperate set of Master Playback controls. 

    You'll then have a fader that masters the levels from that sequence - however, you won't have manual control of the crossfade, so this may not be suitable.


    To get rid of the 'empty' step at the end of the Sequence: 

    Hit [Setup], and in the Crossfade tab, tick the box marked "Don't Loop Sequence".

    In this mode, the sequence will advance until the final step, then it will stop and stay there no matter how many times you hit GO.
    However, the manual crossfader pair still loops.

    The "Blackout" is actually Preset Zero - the standard fade-to-black you get if you hit 0 [Goto] - and when the sequence loops, this obviously comes before the first step is played for a second time.

    "Don't Advance Playback" 'freezes' the sequence in Main Playback, so [GO] doesn't do anything, and the crossfader pair simply crossfades back and forth between two states.
    [SEQ+] and [SEQ-] still snap forward and back through the playlist as usual.

    [edited by: Richard at 10:43 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 30 2007]
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