Go In B Help

Ok here is the behavior i am seeing.  Has anyone seen this before or know what can be causing this?


Console is set to record all presets as GoInB. 


Preset 1 brings up some moving lights and put them in position.

 Preset 2 changes a parameter or 2 (i.e. makes a gobo rotate or something along those lines)


When I press go on preset 1 it executes just fine, but when the go in b portion of the cue executes, the gobos start to spin (effectively executing preset 2.


Anyone have any ideas?  I am sure that this is operator error in some way as this is the first show I have programmed on a Congo jr., but for the life of me I can't figure it out.




  • Hi Jeff,

    If attributes should be triggered on Go or in B, depends on the GoOnGo/GoInB setting. The default setting you have in the Setup, determines with which setting new steps are created (it doesn't change the setting of existing steps).

    Now the GoOnGo/InB setting exists on two levels. The first one is on the step level and it therefore affects all devices recorded in the step.

    The second one is in the Preset Attribute editor. There you can change it on a per device level.
    What you are seeing is a GoInB setting doing it's thing. When the crossade to preset 1 is complete, Congo triggers the attributes from preset 2. This can easily be fixed by changing the GoOnGo/InB setting.

    But where to change the setting? My suggestion is to record all steps in a show with either one of the settings. When you need to change the GoonGo setting for a device (or all devices), do it in the Preset Attribute editor, not in the Sequence list. This way you can always open the Preset Attribute editor and see which setting is used for which device.

    So open the Preset Attribute editor for preset 2, the easiest and fastest way of opening it is [2] [PRESET] & [ATTRIBUTE]. If you want to open it for another preset, just change the number.

    Hope it helps,

  • Thanks Oskar - I am printing out your response and will try it tomorrow.


    What is the logic for the go in B?


    In other ETC desks I have worked with, the logic assumes that if the intensity attribute for the fixture is at zero it is safe to go ahead and move, otherwise it will not do so.  This does not seem to be the case with the Congo...


    any input?




  • Hi Jeff,

    You are correct, the GoOnGo setting does not look for the intensity level of devices, only for the GoOnGo flag in the step and then the GoOnGo flag in the preset attribute editor.


  • Oskar -


    I was asking about the GoInB logic. Sorry that wasn't more clear.  It makes sense that the go ongo would not look at the intensity - you would use that if you want to see the change happen.  But if you don't want to see the change happen, you would use goinb. That's why this is all so confusing to me....


    so does the goinb look at the intensity of the fixture before deciding to move?

  • Oskar -


    I was asking about the GoInB logic. Sorry that wasn't more clear.  It makes sense that the go ongo would not look at the intensity - you would use that if you want to see the change happen.  But if you don't want to see the change happen, you would use goinb. That's why this is all so confusing to me....


    so does the goinb look at the intensity of the fixture before deciding to move?
