Renumbering Presets

Hi All

Any help on how to remumber all of the presets in a sequence. The show I have plotted is becoming more complicated than first thought and I need to make some room between existing presets. What is the simplest way to renumber presets within a sequence? Thanks.


  • Actually, the simplest way is not to bother at all!

    You can always insert a preset between two existing steps in a sequence, regardless of actual numbering.
    - It is perfectly acceptable for Sequences to run Presets in any order - 1,2,101,3,4,5 is fine, as is 5,4,3,2,1.

    You can also use the same Preset several times if you wish, although that can lead to confusion! 

    Open the Sequence List (# [Seq]), move to the step before, type the Preset # you wish to insert and hit [Insert]

    It can be helpful to turn Build Sequence off in [Setup] > Crossfade before recording the look. 

    Also, a suggestion - ask the DSM/Stage Manager to number their cues with the Preset #.
    This means that you never have to ask the DSM/SM to renumber any cues in their book, even if you end up inserting five hundred point cues!

  • Hi!
    If you really want to renumber the Presets.
    Use the "Copy" & "Paste" Function in the preset list. Works great!
    Just insert a new preset in the preset list.
    Copy the Preset you want to move.
    Paste it on the one you just created
    Delete the Original Preset you Copied
    and you have a space in the preset list.
    Then you have to redo your sequence.
    This is the Longway to do it.
    The short way is as Richard suggested.
    I hope that makes sense.
    /Danne Persson

    [edited by: DanneP at 4:08 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 25 2007]
  • There is an even easier method.

    Open the Sequence Editor. Move to the preset number you want to renumber. Enter the new number and press MODIFY.

    You will be offered a dialog with various choices, including renaming the preset.


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