Renumbering Presets

Hi All

Any help on how to remumber all of the presets in a sequence. The show I have plotted is becoming more complicated than first thought and I need to make some room between existing presets. What is the simplest way to renumber presets within a sequence? Thanks.


  • Actually, the simplest way is not to bother at all!

    You can always insert a preset between two existing steps in a sequence, regardless of actual numbering.
    - It is perfectly acceptable for Sequences to run Presets in any order - 1,2,101,3,4,5 is fine, as is 5,4,3,2,1.

    You can also use the same Preset several times if you wish, although that can lead to confusion! 

    Open the Sequence List (# [Seq]), move to the step before, type the Preset # you wish to insert and hit [Insert]

    It can be helpful to turn Build Sequence off in [Setup] > Crossfade before recording the look. 

    Also, a suggestion - ask the DSM/Stage Manager to number their cues with the Preset #.
    This means that you never have to ask the DSM/SM to renumber any cues in their book, even if you end up inserting five hundred point cues!

  • Hi!
    If you really want to renumber the Presets.
    Use the "Copy" & "Paste" Function in the preset list. Works great!
    Just insert a new preset in the preset list.
    Copy the Preset you want to move.
    Paste it on the one you just created
    Delete the Original Preset you Copied
    and you have a space in the preset list.
    Then you have to redo your sequence.
    This is the Longway to do it.
    The short way is as Richard suggested.
    I hope that makes sense.
    /Danne Persson

    [edited by: DanneP at 4:08 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 25 2007]
  • There is an even easier method.

    Open the Sequence Editor. Move to the preset number you want to renumber. Enter the new number and press MODIFY.

    You will be offered a dialog with various choices, including renaming the preset.


  • Hi

    Thanks for those responses. I worked my way through the situation in the end using a combination of these methods. My main problem was an SM who wanted to call only whole number cues in numeric order after we had plotted heaps of adjacent point cues. My fault for starting the plot in a rush. Anders I did try what you suggested ie renumbering the presets in the sequence editor but wasn't able to, actually it was the first thing I tried as it seemed the easiest way. My congo wouldn't let me remumber presets in the sequence list. I haven't yet upgraded to 4.3, could this be the reason or am I missing something?? Thanks.

  • Hi

    Thanks for those responses. I worked my way through the situation in the end using a combination of these methods. My main problem was an SM who wanted to call only whole number cues in numeric order after we had plotted heaps of adjacent point cues. My fault for starting the plot in a rush. Anders I did try what you suggested ie renumbering the presets in the sequence editor but wasn't able to, actually it was the first thing I tried as it seemed the easiest way. My congo wouldn't let me remumber presets in the sequence list. I haven't yet upgraded to 4.3, could this be the reason or am I missing something?? Thanks.
