Congo with WYG on MacBook (bootcamp)

I understand Intel MacBook's do not support IPX, so leaving aside the autofocus and patching - does anyone have successfull experience of running Congo with WYG running in Vista32 on bootcamp on an Intel Core2 macbook ?

I can ping the Congo from vista , Net 2 is enabled on the Congo, ETCNet2 EDMX is a device in WYG but they will not connect ? Maybe some weird firewall issue <??>

  • As far as I know, IPX support is not hardware based.  OS X has no support for IPX because it is a deprecated protocol.  So booting into Vista should remedy that as its a software thing.  As a mac/linux person I can't really help you on IPX support in Vista, which by all accounts looking at other posts isn't supported. 

    So I would check to see if you've got other networking issues.  How are the two devices connected?  Whats the IPs?  etc....


    [edited by: dmclaughlin at 8:12 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 22 2009]
  • I would try running Net2Utility (let me know if you don't have a copy) on the MacBook. This will tell you whether or not Net2 data is actally getting to your Macbook OK or if it is being blocked by a firewall.

    If you can ping the congo from Vista that suggests a firewall or software issue I think..

  • Also have you used NicPicker to set the correct interface for Net2?

  • Have you download the Wysiwyg PC Driver for Congo and Congo Jr ? This little program will start, when you start wyg. You then have to tell it which logical net you want it to listen to. Make sure you have you congo set to the same one. Then wyg will listen to that one. you do not need to insert a net2 device into wyg. Wyg will always tell you that no device is connected, but it will work.

    On a different note IPX is not supported by Vista.


    Hope that helps....



    [edited by: FloBaeumler at 1:27 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 22 2009]
  • There are two ways to control the Wysiwyg Visualiser from a Congo console or Congo Offline:

    1. The Wysiwyg Driver mentioned by Florian.
      • This requires the IPX protocol to be installed in the host machine at both ends (Congo and Wyg), and therefore does not work under Windows Vista.
      • This supports the autoselect etc functions as well as basic visualisation.
    2. ETCNet2 (EDMX)
      • This requires the TCP/IP protocol, and I have seen it work in Wyg R22 under Windows Vista.
      • This supports visualisation *only*, and requires that the EDMX protocol be enabled in Wyg and the lights patched to the correct EDMX channels.
      • This is not a Wyg driver as Wysiwyg supports EDMX natively, but it does need to be manually turned on and often patched.

    I did notice that Wysiwyg R22 did not include "NICPicker", which is often required for EDMX reception when multiple network cards exist. This is included in ETC Network Configuration Editor, so this may help you.

    I have not seen Wyg R23, so this may have already been rectified.

    [edited by: Richard at 1:21 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 23 2009]
  • Up and running now - thanks for the help.

    Turned off firewall in Vista

    Installed NicPicker and assigned to correct network adapter

    Tested with Net2utils - great to see some red values, and off we go 
