automark time

Is there a way to make the automark time faster on the congo jn? The automark time seems to be set to the time on the cue thats in B fader. Some of the fade times in the show are very long so it doesn't have time to mark before the next cue goes. I don't have time to put in snap follow cues to make move faster.

  • Hi Kerrie -

    There is no "automark time" on Congo/jr. The Automark time is the time from the step in B. You can quickly change the FCB timing for those cues where the original fade time is too long using the # MODIFY & TIME command. The # in this case is the preset number (or step number if GOTO is set to use step numbers) where the moves are recorded. I'm guessing you are using FCB times that are set to 100% (which equals the In time of that step). Change these to 10%, or to a real time value like 1 second, for those presets and it shoud help.

    Thanks -


  • thanks. I was trying to avoid going through all 240 cues and change the attribute times was hoping that I could just change one setting and fix the whole show.

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