automatic unwanted sequence generation V6


I ran my first plot session using V6 yesterday and had a couple of problems.

Once the desk appologised and then dropped out of my session and returned to the startup screen. The file it generated started up sucessfully but if I'd have been in show awaiting a cue I'd have had a heart attack.

Several times the desk dropped several presets out of the master faders and replaced them with previously non existent sequences. The sequences it created became listed in the sequence list so I deleted them and cleared the masters affected. The file I used was an old "standard rig" file from V5 I use because it has handy groups and formatted screen layouts. Do I need to recreate a "standard rig" file using V6?

  • Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear about your problems.

    When the console dropped out, did you get a crash error dialog with the option to store and send log files to ETC? If so, I am interested in getting these log files for analysis.


    Regarding the mysterious sequences on masters: Could it be that you were recording presets to masters when this happened?

    Please note that there is a new feature in v6 when recording to masters. In the recording dialog, you'll have the chance of not just recording a preset but also to create sequences and insert the preset into the new sequence in one go. Could it be that you have selected the sequence tab of the dialog by mistake instead of the preset tab? This would create a new sequence and insert the preset into it.


    There should be no reason to recreate a standard rig for v6. It'll use show files from v5.

  • To expand on Anders' post:

    The "Record to Master" popup that you get in v6 from [Record] & [Master_Key] now has three tabs - Preset, Return-To-Preset and Sequence.
    You can use the right and left arrow keys or [Tab] to switch between them.

    When you record a Preset onto a Master that already has a Preset on it, Congo v6 assumes that you want to add that Preset onto a new Sequence on that Master and pre-selects the Sequence tab.
    This makes it faster to create Preset-based chases.

    If the Master is currently empty, then it assumes that you only want to record a new Preset and preselects that tab.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:28 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Sep 8 2009]
  • To expand on Anders' post:

    The "Record to Master" popup that you get in v6 from [Record] & [Master_Key] now has three tabs - Preset, Return-To-Preset and Sequence.
    You can use the right and left arrow keys or [Tab] to switch between them.

    When you record a Preset onto a Master that already has a Preset on it, Congo v6 assumes that you want to add that Preset onto a new Sequence on that Master and pre-selects the Sequence tab.
    This makes it faster to create Preset-based chases.

    If the Master is currently empty, then it assumes that you only want to record a new Preset and preselects that tab.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:28 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Sep 8 2009]
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