Group - Channel selection order

Hi All,
I'm using Groups a lot in Content Effects, and was wondering if there's an easy way to re-order the Channel Order that is selected.
I can create the order when I select the channels i.e 1, 6,3,2,5,4 and  go  # REC Group.

However if I go to the Group window & highlight the channels in the group, for example using ALL, or select a single channel in the Group to change it's level, then the Order is lost. It defaults to lowest channel number to highest channel number. i.e 1,2,3,4,5,6.

The only way I have found to revert to the initial channel order is to re-record the Group from the Live screen.
Has anyone found an easier way?

  • Hi Ric,

    The only way to record the order is by recording a group from the Live screen, just like you found.

    We were thinking about handling the selection order in some way when editing in the Group List but this would have required you to always select all channels in the correct order before pressing UPDATE. This wouldn't be practical.

  • Hi Ric,

    The only way to record the order is by recording a group from the Live screen, just like you found.

    We were thinking about handling the selection order in some way when editing in the Group List but this would have required you to always select all channels in the correct order before pressing UPDATE. This wouldn't be practical.
