Preset Time Recording/Editing

I may be missing the obvious, but is there a faster way of setting the in/out times of a preset? I'm used to the 500 series way of entering cue 3 time 2 record etc. On the congo it seems very long winded to press record then either grab the mouse or step all the way down to the in/out fields to enter the time.


  • Hi yes a very easy way all depends if you have set time in A or B in the setting I have it in B so I can then run the cue as I have set it. just press ? In ? Out. This sets times to preset ready to run in B, Or if you have time and know the cue times. Record all the cues in a default time say 3 or the time you use the most then go into preset list and change them there.

    Hope this helps


  • Hi yes a very easy way all depends if you have set time in A or B in the setting I have it in B so I can then run the cue as I have set it. just press ? In ? Out. This sets times to preset ready to run in B, Or if you have time and know the cue times. Record all the cues in a default time say 3 or the time you use the most then go into preset list and change them there.

    Hope this helps


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