Issues / Feature Requests

Hi .. we've owned a Congo since 05. I love this console, but as with all things leading edge occasionally there are hiccups. Let's use this post to report odd behaviours, work arounds, and feature requests to ETC and Congo development.

David Brenchley

Hope Community Church

Raleigh, NC 


[edited by: Dave at 3:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 15 2006]
  • TRUST YOU ?? ----- ABSOLUTELY !!!!  .. ;-)

    soon as I get this most recent show cued and I can take a breather, I'll be sure to play a little ...


  • Hi Group & ETC Folks.

    A couple of things that have been in my head that I would love to see in the Congo:

    I would love to see the Independent buttons have a fade time associated with them. This would enable me to use them for single-press house lights, curtain warmers and work lights and have them fade smoothly.

    I like the function that the wheel keys have when you press them while controlling a parameter (going directly to 0 then to 100). I think an improvement would be to have the press go to 0, then 50, then 100. This would be especially helpful with Pan and Tilt parameters and others such as Focus and Iris.

    Also, can anyone tell me why my posts in this forum get double-spaced when I hit return (i.e. look above...)?


  • The fade on the Independents would be cool, I always put things like that on the Independent knobs and do the fade manually.

    I personally like the 0 then 100, if you want a 50 on the pan and tilt, hold Home Att and press the button for single parameter homing, that way you don't loose the quick change functionality for the parameters you do want to fully change, like color or frost, for instance.

    Also, the forum spacing issue seems to follow the trend in recent web programs, it will double space if you hit return, single space with a shift-return.

  • lidgett said:
    I personally like the 0 then 100, if you want a 50 on the pan and tilt, hold Home Att and press the button for single parameter homing, that way you don't loose the quick change functionality for the parameters you do want to fully change, like color or frost, for instance.

    This of course is only true if you have not recorded a home position for your movers. I always record a home position for my movers ≠ 50/50 to minimize the risk of fliping moving heads.
    Also you always can type in a value first and then hit the key above the wheel (press the encoder on Congo Jr. )
    In regards to having Independents fading I do have to disagree. If you want to fade something us a Fader. You can set the fader to be Exclusive, inclusive or Inhibit.

    My 2 p

