Issues / Feature Requests

Hi .. we've owned a Congo since 05. I love this console, but as with all things leading edge occasionally there are hiccups. Let's use this post to report odd behaviours, work arounds, and feature requests to ETC and Congo development.

David Brenchley

Hope Community Church

Raleigh, NC 


[edited by: Dave at 3:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 15 2006]
  • My requests would be as follows:

    The UNDO function talked about above would be great.  

    I'd like to be able to select a bunch of presets and delete them all together.  At present it allows me to select several (or indeed all) but when I hit DELETE it only deletes the first.  Why can't it just say "Are you sure you want to delete n presents?" and let me chose Modify or Esc?

    A way of recording chases that involves having  maybe 3 channels in the first step, 4 in the second, 2 in  the third etc. but doesn't involve recording each step as a separate preset first (or recording just one channel in each step then editing it) would be nice.

    The ability for the display to read DMX values rather than percentages, especially when setting colours on a washlight and focus positions in 16-bit.

    Other than these, I'm liking the board very much.  Thanks everyone.
  • Just Some Bloke:
    A way of recording chases that involves having  maybe 3 channels in the first step, 4 in the second, 2 in  the third etc. but doesn't involve recording each step as a separate preset first (or recording just one channel in each step then editing it) would be nice.

    I'm assuming you mean chases that are more complex than the Chase Wizard will do.

    Good news - It's already here!

    You have two options:

    • Put the chase onto the Main Playback and record as normal with Build Sequence turned on.
    • Build it directly onto a Master as follows:
      1. Create a new Sequence - [Seq] # [Insert]
      2. Change the mode to Chase
      3. Put that Sequence onto a Master - # [Seq] & [Master Key]
      4. Set up the first step
      5. Hold [Record] and hit the Master Key for the chosen Master
      6. Repeat 4 thru 5 until done.
  • Thanks, Richard.  I've just tried the second version and it's really easy!  I'd want to assign the chase to a master anyway, so it's just a matter of recording the steps after doing that.  Genius!

     If only deleting a series of presets in one go were that easy... !        (... oh, and those dmx values rather than percentages would be great too).

    Thanks again.

  • Bloke,


    The ability for the display to read DMX values rather than percentages, especially when setting colours on a washlight and focus positions in 16-bit

    [FORMAT] & [@ LEVEL] will toggle between 0-100 and 0-255 for the 8-bit or 0-65535 for the 16-bit parameters.

    Doesn't work if you have used a palette to assign the values though.



  • Thanks Mark, that's great news!

     When I asked a certain person at ETC (who shall remain nameless!) if this was possible he said it wasn't but was on the wish list.

    I've just tried it and now have a big smile on my face!

  • Feature Request :

    add columns/features with check marks in masters List : 


    We should be able to use any single master with these functions on or off.

    Flash Mode :

    Add a TOGGLE function (same as we have in independants), so we get On, Off, Solo, Toggle Mode for Flash Keys.


  • These are already on our list of things to do. :-)

    Please be patient - we will get there.



  • Good Day folks ..

    We recently upgraded to 4.3.3 and I've noted an odd behavior when patching using the output list. Changes made in this screen are not immediattly apparent. eg. If I patch a channel to a dimmer then run that channel up in Live there is no change. I have to exit the output list screen to have control.

    Here's a request (but I bet its already in there) .. could there be a switch/function that when the cursor is moved from output to output the dimmer is bumped to some level ?? Certainly would assist in patching and minimize some paper work when building new shows ... 


  • Hi Dave -

    Instead of switching to Live, stay in the Output editor. You can select by output or by channel in this view and it should work to bring up all the outputs you've just patched to that channel.

    To do a dimmer check, you can select a dimmer/output, bring it to a level, then just press [+] to switch to the next output at that level, or use [-] to go backwards. Additionally, you can select multiple outputs and check them simultaneously using [#] [OUTPUT] [#] [+] or [-] or [THRU] just like you would with channels...

    Does that help?



  • THANKS Sarah !!!

    I'll give it a try this eve ... I'm not mistaken am I, this is a new "behaviour" in the output screen from previous vers ???


  • That has been the subject of a few conversations. Hopefully it will be sorted out in the next version.

    Thanks & happy holidays!


  • Hey Sarah ..

    I think I confused you .. I was referring to the output list .. not the output editor .. (which by the way I've not gotten a grip on yet) speaking of which ..

    we use 2 universes 1 = control 2 = dimmers ... in the output editor .. I see the various universes present in the screen but if I zoom to make the content legible .. how do I navigate between universes ..

    May you and all at ETC have a very happy holiday .. 


  • Hello David,

    Hold down CH and use the wheel to scroll in the output editor (or any other channel view)


  • THANKS Oskar !!!

    Another of those important methods that failed to register in the old gray matter ... ;-)

  • Hi Dave -

    Trust me - graduate from the Output List and find a lot more flexibility and functionality in the Output Editor. :-)

    You can also jump from universe to universe by simply selecting the output you want to see - you can enter those outputs in absolute numbers (513=DMX 1 on Universe 2) or you can enter them in offset.port syntax - 1.2 = DMX 1 on Universe 2.

    So, [1][.][2] [OUTPUT] will select the first output in universe 2.

    [1][.][2] [OUTPUT] [5][.][2] [THRU] will select outputs 1-5 on universe 2. And so on...

    When you first open the Output Editor, it's in view-only mode, so you can check your patch, do a dimmer check, but not adjust your patch. To unlock the editor, press MODIFY MODIFY, then MODIFY once again to confirm the dialog. Then you can patch in this view as well, selecting outputs as above, then press [#] [MODIFY] to patch those selected outputs to a channel #. You can patch multiple outputs to one channel, or to multiple channels starting at the # you enter. Make sense?

    Thanks -


