Congo V6.02 random value changes during preset playback

Hi guys,

I have been experiencing a problem with my Congo for some time now wherein I will have a preset loaded and sitting static and randomly the console will change values on all my different fixtures attributes.

The value changes will be the same for all fixtures of a certain type (ex. Revolutions gobo attribute will change to the same value, Rot speed will all change to same value ect...) This random jump in values does not appear to affect intensity, only attribute values.

Like I said, I have been having this problem at random for quite a long time (before ver 5.0).  It seems to be totally random, it is not preset specific.  I cannot find any way to trigger this.  Every time it has occurred, my rig has been sitting in a static preset.

I am using Net2 to distribute my control, initially I thought that I was maybe getting some kind of random data spike, but then I noticed that the value changes are actually represented on the console, not just the fixtures, so the console is definitely outputting this incorrect data.

