Congo as Backup

How works the Congo in a network ,is it a full Back-up or does it only nows what the Main-Console is doing after Synchronizing.

  • Congo can be backed up with another Congo console or a Congo jr console.

    Congo supports Synchronized Backup - which means the backup console will synchronize with the server console and stay synchronized with playback functions - use of the Main Playback and use of the Master Playbacks.

    You can run Congo with either user-configured backup or with automatic backup. In user configured backup, the user must send the play to the backup and save it on the backup's hard disk and start the backup synchronization manually. In automatic backup, the play file can be send by the server automatically whenever a New, Open, Save or Save As command is used. In this case, the play is automatically saved on the backup's hard disk, and the synchronization occurs automatically.

     I hope this answers your question.

    Thank you very much -



  • Hi

     When using the Congo Jnr as a backup, like we do in our ethernet system here, does the information in the independents - ie scroller psu power, smoke machines, hazers, movers power etc etc, also synch across, or is it best to manually configure the desk for the show we are synching?



Reply Children
  • Hello-

     I'm very sorry for the delay in response to your question. The quick answer is "no, the independents do not sync". The longer answer is if you are using backup, any channels you want to have backed up in case the main server fails should be within the normal playback space of the console - main playback or masters.

    We will add this feature (syncronization of the Independents) to our wish list, however. Thanks for the question!


