Updating Preset in Playback -for the hard of thinking

Hi there,

I'm sure I'm doing something daft, but here goes...

We have a Sequence in our Playback (2 steps, both the same, linking to one another -don't ask)

I make an adjustment to the balance of the preset and want to update / re-record it -excluding all content from submasters.

This is a function that we will carry out with alarming frequency and it ought to be really simple (syntactically) to achieve.

Logic would dictate that [Update] + [A] would do the job, but no, nothing, nada...

[Record] + [A] wants to record a new Preset.

Surely there is a simpler way of updating the current Preset in the Playback than by going [no. of preset], [Record] + [A] ?

Answers on a postcard...

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  • Hi Sarah,

    That's what I'd figured out but it's all a bit too complicated for our setup.

    It's all tied in to the desk wanting to always record the whole Live output by default whenever you hit [Record] or [Update].

    This is causing no end of grief as the wrong content is getting recorded into the wrong presets.

    That's why [Update] + [A] seemed like the logical answer -if it worked (which it doesn't)

    Much grumpiness


  • Here's how to do it:

    1. Make your changes on the keypad only - don't use Masters (for obvious reasons)
    2. Hit [A] to open or activate the A field tab.
    3. Hit [Update]

    Job done - albeit in a strange way!

    You can also do the following:

    1. Hit [B] to open the B field tab.
    2. Make changes on the keypad (blind!)
    3. Hit [Update] 

    Sarah, TV studios want to be able to do this all the time as they tend to be programming one thing while the show is running on Masters, so can we add the [Update] & [A] function in a later version, as it does seem more intuitive than [A], [Update].

    [edited by: Richard at 11:18 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 24 2007] [edited by: Richard at 11:17 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 24 2007] [edited by: Richard at 11:14 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 24 2007]