Tracking vs. Cue Only on Congo?

is it possible to set the Congo to Tracking mode as opposed to the Cue ONly style of recording that it seems to default to? i've loaded a show that was written on a GrandMA but it seems to only have loaded the change in channel levels and not tracked thru levels from previous cues - the issue also arises when i modify cues - i'd like to track the changes through until the channels receive a new value later in the cue stack - surely this is possible on the board but our ouse programmer is not familiar with the function and this is the first encounter i've had with the Congo - we've opened up the Track Wizard but its seems i'd need to know what cue the channel later changes in order to utilize this function - is it possible for the board to do this automatically similar to Tracking Mode on all other ETC consoles? thanks for any and all help


  • Ah, I'm having a bad technology day! (Tried to answer this once before and the Internet ate the post - let's try again, shall we? :-) )

    Congo, like Express/ion and Smart consoles, is a Preset style system. We can make adjustments on the software side to fix issues of how other systems store ASCII data, but it usually works best with a sample show file and a willing user with whom we can collaborate to make sure our show read is making the right assumptions. I'm intrigued by bringing in a show from an MA console - would you be that willing user to help us do that better? If so, please send a copy of the ASCII file to me at sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com... :-)

    Regarding fixing the tracks in your current file, we may be able to do that easier on our end than you can directly on the console. However, if you want to give it a try, I would recommend the Track List rather than the Channel Editor Wizard. In the Track List you can see all the moves and if you know how far they're supposed to track in you can make the needed adjustments there, although this may be quite tedious if you have a lot of channels or a long show.

    Regarding track editing, UPDATE & @ LEVEL does what you're looking for for intensity information. UPDATE & ATTRIB does the non-intensity side of your channels. If you're starting from scratch, I highly recommend using the Record if Active option for attribute recording, since this gives you the ability to use track editing functions like the two mentioned above, and the normal UPDATE and RECORD then behave like cue-only.

    I hope this helps some-

    Thanks -


    [edited by: sclausen at 6:25 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
  • Ah, I'm having a bad technology day! (Tried to answer this once before and the Internet ate the post - let's try again, shall we? :-) )

    Congo, like Express/ion and Smart consoles, is a Preset style system. We can make adjustments on the software side to fix issues of how other systems store ASCII data, but it usually works best with a sample show file and a willing user with whom we can collaborate to make sure our show read is making the right assumptions. I'm intrigued by bringing in a show from an MA console - would you be that willing user to help us do that better? If so, please send a copy of the ASCII file to me at sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com... :-)

    Regarding fixing the tracks in your current file, we may be able to do that easier on our end than you can directly on the console. However, if you want to give it a try, I would recommend the Track List rather than the Channel Editor Wizard. In the Track List you can see all the moves and if you know how far they're supposed to track in you can make the needed adjustments there, although this may be quite tedious if you have a lot of channels or a long show.

    Regarding track editing, UPDATE & @ LEVEL does what you're looking for for intensity information. UPDATE & ATTRIB does the non-intensity side of your channels. If you're starting from scratch, I highly recommend using the Record if Active option for attribute recording, since this gives you the ability to use track editing functions like the two mentioned above, and the normal UPDATE and RECORD then behave like cue-only.

    I hope this helps some-

    Thanks -


    [edited by: sclausen at 6:25 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
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