Tracking vs. Cue Only on Congo?

is it possible to set the Congo to Tracking mode as opposed to the Cue ONly style of recording that it seems to default to? i've loaded a show that was written on a GrandMA but it seems to only have loaded the change in channel levels and not tracked thru levels from previous cues - the issue also arises when i modify cues - i'd like to track the changes through until the channels receive a new value later in the cue stack - surely this is possible on the board but our ouse programmer is not familiar with the function and this is the first encounter i've had with the Congo - we've opened up the Track Wizard but its seems i'd need to know what cue the channel later changes in order to utilize this function - is it possible for the board to do this automatically similar to Tracking Mode on all other ETC consoles? thanks for any and all help


  • The Import from the GrandMA is completely dependent on the data in the GrandMA output. Congo makes the basic assumption that every ASCII file follows the USITT ASCII format for channel intensities, as that's the only published document that says how channel levels should be stored in ASCII format.

    USITT ASCII is a pretty limited format, so many consoles have made custom extensions - we've added in many of these custom extensions from some manufacturers, but not all of them. If you have example show files that import badly we can have a look at them to see if there are improvements that could be made.

    With regards to Tracked updates in Congo:

    Congo isn't a tracking console. It's a Preset-based console, which is the other main concept of lighting control.
    - I think we've got a white paper somewhere about the differences between Tracking and Preset-based lighting control concepts.


    When you're Recording new cues, just continue from the previous cue. Unless you change levels, they'll stay where they were.
    - Remember that Congo does not have a Programmer at all - you're essentially always working Live (or Blind), recording as you go.

    When editing existing Presets:

    • [Update] & [@Level] does a Tracked update into the Main Playback.
      • You can select whether to track Forward, Backward or Both directions.
      • This uses the Block flag and changes to Intensity to determine how far.

    There is also the Track List - hit [Track]

    • This shows the levels of the selected channels throughout the sequence in Main Playback and offers instant spreadsheet editing.
    • Really useful for determining if and how a particular channel is used, or for making a lot of tweaks 'Blind'
    • Note that changes are immediate - there's no confirmation!

    [edited by: Richard at 6:28 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
  • The Import from the GrandMA is completely dependent on the data in the GrandMA output. Congo makes the basic assumption that every ASCII file follows the USITT ASCII format for channel intensities, as that's the only published document that says how channel levels should be stored in ASCII format.

    USITT ASCII is a pretty limited format, so many consoles have made custom extensions - we've added in many of these custom extensions from some manufacturers, but not all of them. If you have example show files that import badly we can have a look at them to see if there are improvements that could be made.

    With regards to Tracked updates in Congo:

    Congo isn't a tracking console. It's a Preset-based console, which is the other main concept of lighting control.
    - I think we've got a white paper somewhere about the differences between Tracking and Preset-based lighting control concepts.


    When you're Recording new cues, just continue from the previous cue. Unless you change levels, they'll stay where they were.
    - Remember that Congo does not have a Programmer at all - you're essentially always working Live (or Blind), recording as you go.

    When editing existing Presets:

    • [Update] & [@Level] does a Tracked update into the Main Playback.
      • You can select whether to track Forward, Backward or Both directions.
      • This uses the Block flag and changes to Intensity to determine how far.

    There is also the Track List - hit [Track]

    • This shows the levels of the selected channels throughout the sequence in Main Playback and offers instant spreadsheet editing.
    • Really useful for determining if and how a particular channel is used, or for making a lot of tweaks 'Blind'
    • Note that changes are immediate - there's no confirmation!

    [edited by: Richard at 6:28 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
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