congo offline and Wysiwyg

Is it possible to use hte congo offline and Wysiwyg like hog PC to prepare palettes before the show ? I have got a client dongle but I can't connect them, I have already install protocol IPX 802.3. When I connect my PC to my Congo Junior, it's ok but I can't have my lightboard all the time at home !!


thanks for your replies



Parents Reply
  • hi I use this loads, My works at treat. On wyg have your console as a AVAB Pronto makes sure your congo offline is set to the same as your Wyg Vista, On congo go to advance settings and make sure your AVAB IPX is ticked.

     If you have all this then it should work. Im using Wyg v 11

    To make sure you and your congo is talking to each other on the bottom right of your congo when you have a play loaded or start with blank there is IPX (?) in the bracket is 0-9 match your Wyg vista with this one and press connect on your wyg and off you go.

    Daft question have you installed this yet if not you need to.


    Hope this helps Carl

