record a page master on congo jr with universal wing


we have a congo jr with an universal extension wing 2x20 and we want to know the best solution for record a page of master. On Version5 we make # RECORD & the button on the display "page" but we don't find this button on V6 version.


Thank you for your help.

  • On Congo jr, the "Page" buttons for the wings can be found under the Masters softkey in the Moving Light Display:
    Softkey mode, top level, "Masters"

    In v6 you can now have up to 80 Masters, so they have been relabelled as "Page 1-20", "Page 21-40", "Page 41-60" and "Page 61-80", one for each 'bank' of 20 faders.

    There are also "Page +" and "Page -" softkeys which you use in conjunction with the above to step each bank through the pages.

  • Thank you for your quickly answer.

    We tried to record a page of master with this syntax: #(number of the page) RECORD & Sofkey "page1-20" , but it's not working (The command line is empty)

    Have you got an idea?

    Thank you.

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