Ion to Congo show convertion, device not work

what we do wrong?
Last night we had foreign performance in our theatre. Thier light designer imported the show from their console ION to our Congo as ascii. All was alright until we needed to use DTS Delta R device. I was not able to correctly import Delta R templates to Congo. In TEMPLATES appears Delta R but no one parameter was allowed. When I could try to import our device Futurelight MH860 the situation was the same.



  • Did you Open this file or try to Import it into Congo?
    An Ascii file should always be simply Opened in Congo, as the Import function is when you want to import a small section of an existing play.

    Can you also send us the Ascii file exported from the Ion so we can compare it to the result you attached above?

  • That sugar1.asc file we had used in the show - performance. The only thing what we could not use was the Delta R device. Which was the device of the foreing theatre company. We was not able to succesfuly import templates of this device. And when we tried to import templates of our Futurelight device the situation repeated. Device is seen in TEMPLATES but no parameters are allowed. So after this we removed the device and used conventional lights.

    Unfortunately we do not have the ASCII file. I will try to call them and ask for this file.


  • The Sugar1.asc file has no parameter definitions in it at all, which explains why you could not succesfully add Templates to it. This shouldn't occur, and we will need to work out how it happened.

    Importing all the parts of the Suagr1.asc file into a new Congo play file gives a complete play that works properly, so this is a good workaround to remember if the problem recurs.

    If you can email us the original file that will be very helpful.

  • Finally the guys sent us both files. The original file from ION console and also ASCII file.

    We are very interesting what is wrong.


    [edited by: Tomas at 4:24 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 10 2010]
    SUGAR 2010-11-01 08-35-27.esf
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