Ion to Congo show convertion, device not work

what we do wrong?
Last night we had foreign performance in our theatre. Thier light designer imported the show from their console ION to our Congo as ascii. All was alright until we needed to use DTS Delta R device. I was not able to correctly import Delta R templates to Congo. In TEMPLATES appears Delta R but no one parameter was allowed. When I could try to import our device Futurelight MH860 the situation was the same.



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  • Hi Thomas,

    Sorry for the slow response on this. It seems like we didn't post an answer to this thread. My apologies.

    When digging deeper into this, it turned out that there is currently no support in Congo for reading device templates or device patch from Ion. This is planned for a future software release.

    (It might seem obvious for you that consoles from the same manufacturer can read each others files to a high degree. But, since the Eos/Ion family of consoles have a quite different concept than the Congo family, it will never be possible to transfer all data between these families in a predictable way. However, we will definitely make it work better than it does today. I know that this won't solve your immediate problem but conversion between concepts is more complicated than one might think.)
