new congo buggy? or is it me?

My college just bought a congo, and while I was learning to use it, I noticed a few odd buggy-seeming things; the plus scroller jumps to channel 11 and won't budge while the minus scroller works just fine, and it won't load groups onto the masters using the load button. I got around it by saving the group as a preset onto a slider, which worked just fine, but wasn't really what I wanted. Any ideas?
  • Hi katogi,

    I don't really understand what you mean with 'plus scroller'? If you want a group on a Master you and the Group includes more than one channel you have to record it first. First you want to make sure that the console is set to at mode. Press and hold [SETUP] and then press [@] a dialog box opens . Check the box next to at mode.
    Say you select channel 15+16+19+21 @ full. Then you press and hold [Record] and the press [Group]. this will record the selected channels as Group 1. If you now want Group 1 on a Master, type 1, press and hold [Group] and press the Assign key (the key with the LED above the Master). Now you have assigned Group 1 to that Master.
    Groups must be recorded with intensity in order for the  Master to work, otherwise the assign key only works as a Group select button.

    Hope that clears some confusion, if not have a look here and download this excellent tutorial.


    Florian (Leicester) 


  • General Recording of Groups and Palettes:

    • Create the content you want.
    • Select the channels you want to record.
    • Optionally type the number you want it to be.
    • Hold [Record], and hit the key for the kind of content you want - [Group], [Focus], [Color], [Beam], [Palette]
    • Optionally type a name and choose settings.
    • Hit [Modify]
    Presets are a bit different as you probably want more of them - so you just hit the [Record] button twice.

    it won't load groups onto the masters using the load button.
    That would be because you don't use the [Load] button that way - it's for bringing content in from the Browser.

    Masters can contain absolutely anything that you can record - Presets, Groups, Sequences (and chases), Palettes etc, and a few other things as well, like creating a fader for an attribute, chase speed etc.

    Masters are also (usually) 'links' to the content, and not the content itself.
    - If you have Group 1 on a Master then clear that Master, Group 1 still exists and can be used via the keypad/Direct Selects, or put back onto a Master.
    - You can also put the same content onto as many Masters as you like, either on the same or different pages.

    Because there are so many different things you might want to put onto a Master, there is no single key on the console that you press to put content onto a Master.

    Instead, you type the number of the content, then hold down the button for the type of content, and then hit the Master Key for the Master you want to put it onto.

    For example - to put Group 1 onto Master 1:

    • Type "1"
    • Hold the [Group] key down
    • Press Master Key 1

    You can also put Groups 1,2,3,4,5... (as many as you have recorded) onto a series of Masters by keeping the [Group] key held down and hitting more Master Keys.

    A few more things:

    If you're sat in front of the console and are getting confused - hit the [?] key to open the online manual.
    You can then hit the [Text] key and enter a keyword to search for.

    Congo also has some tutorial videos built-in - look under Media>Movies in the Browser.

  • Yeah, it isn't me. I went in today and the board completely crashed. It was on and off non-responsive, it wasn't carrying new information over from screen to screen (ex. after programing patch in the output editor (in patch mode), it wasn't showing up in the channel list, or would show up in bits, or would show up late after I'd done a number of other things), it wouldn't switch into channel only or jam modes, the navigation pad stopped working, etc. etc. ETC isn't returning my teacher's calls.


  • No, in the live screen, I push the "minus" button, and it selects channels in descending order (10, 9, 8...), but the "plus" button jumps to channel 11 and won't budge. That isn't me.
  • Anyway, point being, thank you for the help, but we're calling it in to ETC, and I'm sure it'll get resolved that way as opposed to me being frustrated on a forum.
  • Have you renamed channels (given them other numbers than the default) in the Channel List?