new congo buggy? or is it me?

My college just bought a congo, and while I was learning to use it, I noticed a few odd buggy-seeming things; the plus scroller jumps to channel 11 and won't budge while the minus scroller works just fine, and it won't load groups onto the masters using the load button. I got around it by saving the group as a preset onto a slider, which worked just fine, but wasn't really what I wanted. Any ideas?
  • Hi katogi,

    I don't really understand what you mean with 'plus scroller'? If you want a group on a Master you and the Group includes more than one channel you have to record it first. First you want to make sure that the console is set to at mode. Press and hold [SETUP] and then press [@] a dialog box opens . Check the box next to at mode.
    Say you select channel 15+16+19+21 @ full. Then you press and hold [Record] and the press [Group]. this will record the selected channels as Group 1. If you now want Group 1 on a Master, type 1, press and hold [Group] and press the Assign key (the key with the LED above the Master). Now you have assigned Group 1 to that Master.
    Groups must be recorded with intensity in order for the  Master to work, otherwise the assign key only works as a Group select button.

    Hope that clears some confusion, if not have a look here and download this excellent tutorial.


    Florian (Leicester) 


  • No, in the live screen, I push the "minus" button, and it selects channels in descending order (10, 9, 8...), but the "plus" button jumps to channel 11 and won't budge. That isn't me.
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