Help with 'downgrading' software/uninstall problem 6.04

Hi Folks,

I am currently trying to 'downgrade' our Congo software from version to our previous version but the desk is not letting me install the previous software and keeps coming up with the message - you must uninstall before you can re-install the older version.................any ideas on how I can do this without it all going a bit wrong?!

Many thanks for any help provided!



Parents Reply Children
  • Which Venue are you located at?

    How does the console freeze? Do you have many tabs open when it freezes? Can you still

    use the USB Mouse when it freezes? When it freezes, is the hour glass symbol in the upper

    right hand corner of the screen?

  • Please contact ETC support about the problems with your console.

    I don't think that reverting back to an older software version would do any difference. Version 6.0.4 should be both faster and more stable than 6.0.3.

  • Downgrading will not help you, and is more likely to make any issue worse - v6.0.4 is fundamentally faster than v6.0.3.

    The issue you're experiencing is something else - please give your local ETC office a call and we can find the cause.

  • Thanks for the reply. We did have 5 tabs open at the time and no hour glass appeared. My experience of our desk not freezing or having any problems under version 6.0.3 made me want to go back to it. We're based in the West Midlands in a small(ish) arts centre with several gigs comiing up (including 1 tonight) and just wanted my stable congo back! Any instructions on how to 'wind back ' the software muchly appreciated - not sure I've got time to be troubleshooting at the moment!

  • Your local ETC support is ETC Ltd - 020 8896 1000.

    Please call - we're here to help!

  • Thanks for the help on the phone Richard - I'm going to try and 'reset' the desk tomorrow. During the gig last night I had a problem with my intensity faders (for fixtures) after I had used the freeze function...... I moved the switch to freeze - recorded a group then switched back to normal mode - and then my faders set for the fixture intensity wouldn't work - neither would the fixtures when I selected them directly. After a restart things went back to normal again.

    I also found out that even though I had saved the show during programming several times, any thing to do with effects hadn't been saved. The effects handles were still there - but didn't relate to anything - groups, presets or chases........I must be doing something wrong but not sure what!

    Thanks for the help. 

  • I'm not sure what you mean in the first paragraph.
    Coming out of "Freeze" puts the frozen output onto the Main Playback 'A' field so you don't get a sudden jump on stage - could that have been it?
    - If you can email or attach the showfile we can take a look.

    Also, you don't need to go into Freeze just to record a Group! You can use any Blind tab, or the Groups List, or if you don't need specific levels in the Group, just select them in Live and hit [Record] & [Group].

    As to the Effects - you've misunderstood what they are.

    Effect Playbacks are just like moving lights - you need to Record their attributes somewhere if you want to get the same thing again. This uses exactly the same rules as Recording attributes of moving lights.

    Just like a moving light, they will be back in the Home postion when you load the show, and you then replay something you previously recorded to put them into the position(s) you want.

    If you're busking, [Record] & [Master_key] is a pretty useful shurtcut. It records the currently-selected Channels and Effect Playbacks straight onto that Master.

    There's some Effect tutorials on this forum here.

  • Thanks, better get the manual out and have a read!
