file server as a laptop

I recently purchased a laptop for the Congo Offline and Net3 Nodes. Is it possible to use the laptop as a file server, in the sense that I can set up Congo to automatically save to the laptop everytime I save the show on the Congo?


[edited by: mzinman at 6:25 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 07 2006]
  • Hey Mike -

    Congo only saves to one location at a time, though, so if you want to save to both the Congo HD and the file server, you will need to save twice. You can open the file directly from the file server, though, so in that case the SAVE command will send the play back to the file server directly. Make sense?


    Thanks -



  • Hey Mike -

    Congo only saves to one location at a time, though, so if you want to save to both the Congo HD and the file server, you will need to save twice. You can open the file directly from the file server, though, so in that case the SAVE command will send the play back to the file server directly. Make sense?


    Thanks -



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