Replacement monitor recommendations for Congo?

Hello all,

My original monitors are starting to go, and sadly? it'll be more cost-effective to replace than repair, of course. Could anyone recommend a monitor they're particularly fond of? The oldies are Polyview PT518As--it certainly wouldn't kill me to go bigger than 15" this time around, as my eyes aren't getting better with age, somehow. 

Secondary question: who's got experience with the ELO touchscreens? Love 'em? Hate em?  I want to improve my busking skills--is this a direction worth going?


  • Hi Anne -

    Any monitors should be fine, including wide-screens. Touch screens are expensive and as you know Congo doesn't rely on screen based controls - that being said, you can get a lot of mileage from some well designed channel layouts and a touch screen monitor. You might consider adding just one touch screen to your system if you want more direct-select type controls available.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi Anne -

    Any monitors should be fine, including wide-screens. Touch screens are expensive and as you know Congo doesn't rely on screen based controls - that being said, you can get a lot of mileage from some well designed channel layouts and a touch screen monitor. You might consider adding just one touch screen to your system if you want more direct-select type controls available.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -

