Replacement monitor recommendations for Congo?

Hello all,

My original monitors are starting to go, and sadly? it'll be more cost-effective to replace than repair, of course. Could anyone recommend a monitor they're particularly fond of? The oldies are Polyview PT518As--it certainly wouldn't kill me to go bigger than 15" this time around, as my eyes aren't getting better with age, somehow. 

Secondary question: who's got experience with the ELO touchscreens? Love 'em? Hate em?  I want to improve my busking skills--is this a direction worth going?


  • Hi Anne -

    Any monitors should be fine, including wide-screens. Touch screens are expensive and as you know Congo doesn't rely on screen based controls - that being said, you can get a lot of mileage from some well designed channel layouts and a touch screen monitor. You might consider adding just one touch screen to your system if you want more direct-select type controls available.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • What Sarah said. I have an Elo touchscreen and a cheapy dell monitor for the second monitor. I generally run channels or channel layout on the touchscreen, and it's great for looking at the screen, figuring out what the channel is I want based on the text on the channels, and just touching it to grab. That said, once I'm into the flow of programming and I'm moving quickly, I tend to stop touching the screen at all and do it all on keys. But using the touchscreen is usually faster than the mouse, so anytime you're using the mouse, if you get an Elo you can go that route. 

  • What Sarah said. I have an Elo touchscreen and a cheapy dell monitor for the second monitor. I generally run channels or channel layout on the touchscreen, and it's great for looking at the screen, figuring out what the channel is I want based on the text on the channels, and just touching it to grab. That said, once I'm into the flow of programming and I'm moving quickly, I tend to stop touching the screen at all and do it all on keys. But using the touchscreen is usually faster than the mouse, so anytime you're using the mouse, if you get an Elo you can go that route. 
