Follow on wierdness

Hiya guys n gals,

Not sure where to put this one.  We got a show in with follow ons.  I think the show was originally on a strand desk so we converted it naturally.  Whilst trying to tweak the show for our venue we came across this wierdness...

When the FOLLOW ON TIME for the next cue is the same as/more than the CURRENT CUE TIME , then the CURRENT CUE pretty much doesn't do anything before the next one goes.  Is this a conversion hiccup or just a 'Congo thing'?

Thanks as always for a cool desk!


  • I think you have used SHOWPORT to convert Strand show to ASCII show but this translate is not very clean and ASC format is ok only for up time, down time, cues, channels and level, maybe you can recover text maybe more maybe less... the patch is sometime with only 1 universe or 2 or more...

    Wait time, follow on time ar not in the ASC standard. 

    Every Manufacturer ajust ASC format at his machine, there is only few light board save show on ASC, they prefer a natif product so they make an ASC export like ADB, STRAND, Compulite, old ETC...

    And when they want reading ASC show, they import show and convert it again. 

     I think it's maybe hiccup conversion.

    have a good time

    [edited by: pilou at 5:45 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 03 2007]
  • Can you send the showfile and the original ALQ to congo_at_etcconnect_Dot_com, along with a description of where this happens and what you're seeing?

    I've just tried this out building a show from scratch, and when I use follow-on times set to the same as the fade time, the cue happens and the next one immediately follows, just as you'd expect.

    It sounds likely to be a conversion hiccup, so we'd like to have a look at what may be causing this.
