Random effect for generic lighting


I would like to create a random effect but I am not sure the best way to do this. I just want about 4 steps with approx 8 channels in each step, and record it to a master so I can play it back during the main play when needed. I have read the book and it sounds like a random Dynamic effect would be the best way, but it is not clear on how to set it up (seems to be more about moving lights). I do not have a lot of experiance with this desk and do not have any time just play around with it. I have used the expression a lot more and found it very easy to do this type of effect.


  • Indeed, Dynamic Effects are perfect for this kind of function, and we have pre-created an effect to do this - it is dyn effect number 28.

    The fastest way to do this following:

    • Clear the Live Output so that you don't put anything else into this Master - [CL]&[CH], bring down all Masters.
    • Select the lights you want to flicker.
    • Set them all to 50% intensity - this is because all Dynamic Effects work around a 'centre point', going both higher and lower
    • Type 28, then hit [Dyn Effect]
    You can then adjust the speed and size of the effect to get it looking correct:
    • Hit the {Dynamics} softkey on the ML display.
    • Use the Size and Rate wheels to adjust the effect.
    From my quick play, it looks like a size of 50-100 with a rate of 400-500 may be a good starting point.
  • Indeed, Dynamic Effects are perfect for this kind of function, and we have pre-created an effect to do this - it is dyn effect number 28.

    The fastest way to do this following:

    • Clear the Live Output so that you don't put anything else into this Master - [CL]&[CH], bring down all Masters.
    • Select the lights you want to flicker.
    • Set them all to 50% intensity - this is because all Dynamic Effects work around a 'centre point', going both higher and lower
    • Type 28, then hit [Dyn Effect]
    You can then adjust the speed and size of the effect to get it looking correct:
    • Hit the {Dynamics} softkey on the ML display.
    • Use the Size and Rate wheels to adjust the effect.
    From my quick play, it looks like a size of 50-100 with a rate of 400-500 may be a good starting point.