Random effect for generic lighting


I would like to create a random effect but I am not sure the best way to do this. I just want about 4 steps with approx 8 channels in each step, and record it to a master so I can play it back during the main play when needed. I have read the book and it sounds like a random Dynamic effect would be the best way, but it is not clear on how to set it up (seems to be more about moving lights). I do not have a lot of experiance with this desk and do not have any time just play around with it. I have used the expression a lot more and found it very easy to do this type of effect.


  • Indeed, Dynamic Effects are perfect for this kind of function, and we have pre-created an effect to do this - it is dyn effect number 28.

    The fastest way to do this following:

    • Clear the Live Output so that you don't put anything else into this Master - [CL]&[CH], bring down all Masters.
    • Select the lights you want to flicker.
    • Set them all to 50% intensity - this is because all Dynamic Effects work around a 'centre point', going both higher and lower
    • Type 28, then hit [Dyn Effect]
    You can then adjust the speed and size of the effect to get it looking correct:
    • Hit the {Dynamics} softkey on the ML display.
    • Use the Size and Rate wheels to adjust the effect.
    From my quick play, it looks like a size of 50-100 with a rate of 400-500 may be a good starting point.
  • the best solution is dynamics like Richard explain to you.

    Or you can make 2 different chasers or make 1 chaser, load it in 2 masters and use different Rate for them so you can have a pseudo-random effect.

     When there is no Dynamics effect, we must do like this.

  • Hi

    Try Dyn 13 as well works this works well I know its not a random chase but it works. Remember the way you put in channels into the desk is the way your chase will run. Then change the off set it see which ones works for you.


    [edited by: cknapper at 7:06 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 03 2007]
  • All good advice! I would add that the order of your channel selection also matters and can change how your effect looks on stage.

    Try the SELECT softkey page and the following options:

    • SELECT 2nd will split your selection into halves (a quick way to select odds/evens)
    • SELECT 3rd will split your selection into thirds
    • SELECT Nth will split your selection by your own choice - so the syntax for this one is [#] [SELECT Nth] to split into 4ths, 5ths, and so on.
    • RANDOM can be used with any of the above choices, so [RANDOM] & [SELECT 2nd] will split your current selection into two randomized halfs, etc.
    • Use the [LAST] and [NEXT] keys to select the next grouping within that selection, use [SEL ALL] to return to the original selection.

    My favorite is to use [1] [RANDOM] & [SELECT Nth] to create a randomized selection order of my current selection. Apply that Random Dynamic Effect to that selection and the output will look different than if you had selected in order and done offsets.

    You can also use these selection keys within the Chase Wizard. While not quite the same as the Expression/Obsession chaser effects, this is the closest you will come in the current version of Congo software. This wizard automatically builds you a set of presets and a sequence for a simple intensity chase. 

    I hope this helps -




  • Thank you all very much, I will have a look at these, I think I have managed to get myself some play time on the desk the day before the set up so hopefully I will be able to get it right. (Just after a disco type effect).


  • Once again thank you all very much, as predicted we did not get any time on the day to try out the board so having this info in advance made programming so much easier on the day. We are using both the dynamic effects through the show.


    I only manage to use this desk between one to two shows a year (of one a week run each) and it is always set up programming and rehearsal all in same day, so getting to know the console is very difficult, knowing that there is support like this from ETC is great.

    Kind Regards

