MIDI time code

I have a query regarding Midi Time Code. Can I do the following:

Preset 1 starts a time code at
Preset 2 runs automatically when the time code has reached
Preset 3 runs automatically when the time code has reached and so forth.

Alternatively how to I set the console to recieve a timecode from an external source and set the presets to run at a given time thereafter. The console is triggered at the moment via MIDI show control from Qlab.

Many thanks for your help,

Parents Reply Children
  • I have several presets that have to run in sinc with a song played on QLab.  I would like the start of the song and the firing of first preset (happening at the same time) to activate a time code.  I then could either use the learn function within the time code option or having timed the q points from the song .  I have been trying this using learned timings and turning them into a wait time within the consolse itself but run into problems when I delete presets (it then messes up the rest of the sequence).

    If I could manage to use the time code then each preset would be activated by a specific time in the song, not pending when the last preset was activated.

    Hope this makes some sense.

