MIDI time code

I have a query regarding Midi Time Code. Can I do the following:

Preset 1 starts a time code at
Preset 2 runs automatically when the time code has reached
Preset 3 runs automatically when the time code has reached and so forth.

Alternatively how to I set the console to recieve a timecode from an external source and set the presets to run at a given time thereafter. The console is triggered at the moment via MIDI show control from Qlab.

Many thanks for your help,

  • Problem:

    • You need to recall a preset when the incoming MIDI Time Code source matches a specific value.


    Proposed Solution:

    1.       Turn on the "Time Code" parameter in "Play Settings - Show Control".

    2.       Turn on "Auto - loacte step" parameter in "Play Settings - Show Control".

    3.       If needed: Record the Preset. By default, a Sequence Step is automatically added to the Sequence in the Main Playback for this Preset.

    4.       Locate the Sequence Step in the Sequence and modify the value in the "Time Code" column.


    All this information is based solely on reading the Congo v6.0 User Manual and has not been tested.



  • Thanks.  I have figured how to enter a specific time for within the time code column in the sequence list.  What is missing is getting the first preset to start the timecode.


  • I do not believe there is a way to have the internal clock started by running a sequence step or a preset. You could try starting the internal clock by triggering an Action Macro from an incoming MIDI data signal sent from QLab.



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