Chauvet Fixture Library - ColoRado 1 Tour 10ch.


Is it possible to load in just a new fixture library and not a full software update? Where can I download the most up to date library from?

What I'm actually after is a template for a Chauvet ColoRado1 Tour 10 channels if anyone has one!



  • I don't know about the fixture library, but you can load a template from a play file.

    I keep a play file of fixture templates that I have tweaked to my liking and load templates from that play file and not the library.

    You will use the import function to bring in the templates to your current play file.

    Hope this helps,



  • I don't know about the fixture library, but you can load a template from a play file.

    I keep a play file of fixture templates that I have tweaked to my liking and load templates from that play file and not the library.

    You will use the import function to bring in the templates to your current play file.

    Hope this helps,



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