Chauvet Fixture Library - ColoRado 1 Tour 10ch.


Is it possible to load in just a new fixture library and not a full software update? Where can I download the most up to date library from?

What I'm actually after is a template for a Chauvet ColoRado1 Tour 10 channels if anyone has one!



  • At present it is not possible to update just the fixture template library, you will need to update the console.

    I've looked in the latest release v6.1.0, and the Chauvet ColoRado1 Tour is in the Extended library for v6.1.0.

    v6.1.0 fixes many bugs and adds several new features, particularly for live busking situations, so I would very much recommend that you update to v6.1.0 at your earliest convenience.

  • At present it is not possible to update just the fixture template library, you will need to update the console.

    I've looked in the latest release v6.1.0, and the Chauvet ColoRado1 Tour is in the Extended library for v6.1.0.

    v6.1.0 fixes many bugs and adds several new features, particularly for live busking situations, so I would very much recommend that you update to v6.1.0 at your earliest convenience.

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