Running Congo Offline under Win 7 Ultimate. No gateway..

hi all. i got a problem with congo offline.i run win 7 ultimate.

before the format i had  Win XP and i had to change my lan connection properties so it looks like this: (computer ip) (subnet mask) (thats the gateway.same with computer ip)

then the V6 congo offline working perfect.

but............  when i switch to Win 7 Ultimate, i cant use the same values for computer ip and gateway.

when i write that values, and re-enter the properties there is NO gateway at all.......

as a result i got no communication between my laptop and the dimmers....

i dont want to run congo via VirtualBox or a familiar program.

any1 got this problem before? or the only thing i can do is format the laptop and install XP again?


  • For the above network, use as the Gateway IP.

    As you've found, Windows Vista and 7 will not allow the computer IP and Gateway IP to be the same, so instead you can use an IP in the same subnet.
    (Windows will probably complain If there is no route to the Internet - this doesn't matter.)

    For the ETC default network IPs, use as the Gateway IP.

  • nop... no communication....  :/

    btw, at offline congo, at the main screen down right it must be ETCNet2 , I/O , Console running?

    coz i dont see that now ... and i forgot if that services running at Win XP Offline congo


    btw i wrote wrong values (computer ip) (subnet mask) (thats the gateway.same with computer ip)


    Correct values (computer ip) (subnet mask) (gateway. the values you told me to use)


    [edited by: varsamis_k at 12:28 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 8 2011]
  • Check your windows firewall rules to make sure the Offline congo executable is permitted to send and receive UDP and TCP packets. UDP multicasts are blocked by default.

  • nah. firewall is not running in my comp. i disabled some services i dont need. including firewall. i guess ill switch to XP again

  • There is no way in Windows to fully disable the firewall.  Disabling the firewall does not open up the UDP ports. Check the custom settings and make sure UDP is enabled to the congo app.

    [edited by: sk8rs_dad at 12:49 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 8 2011] typo
  • i never had UDP problems when i disable firewall service. i never had torrent problems either.

    but even its disabled i turn it on from services.msc and tcp/ip UDP  bla bla bla for congo.exe was good.

    still no communication..... (you run congo offline from win7??)

    dont understand what is wrong...  after 3 days of installing programs and drivers and doing all that things to setup my comp with shared folders,themes and this and that, i found out that congo dont run at vista-7...

    [edited by: varsamis_k at 1:40 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 8 2011]
  • i never had UDP problems when i disable firewall service. i never had torrent problems either.

    but even its disabled i turn it on from services.msc and tcp/ip UDP  bla bla bla for congo.exe was good.

    still no communication..... (you run congo offline from win7??)

    dont understand what is wrong...  after 3 days of installing programs and drivers and doing all that things to setup my comp with shared folders,themes and this and that, i found out that congo dont run at vista-7...

    [edited by: varsamis_k at 1:40 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 8 2011]