Hi everyone,
in a few days i'm gonna use a Congo jr.. I'm doing some training with the manual, and i've found dome things i didn't find an answer to.
The questions are several but pretty simple, i hope they won't be too much and, most of all, stupid. If they will, i beg your pardon.
1- In the preset list or i the palette list editor i can modify attributes values of moving heads, but i can't insert palettes. Is it impossible or i ignore something?
2- Is there a way to scroll up/down the output editor window?
3- is there a shortcut to open the devices list?
4- is it possible to put more channels with different intensities in a step of an effect? I need to do that as an effect to record i a preset, otherwise i know i could do a sequence and record it on a master key.
4b - otherwise, would it be possible to record that sequence into a preset?
5- i tried to record a single parameter on a master key with the mask function. The parameter goes up to full following the fader, but won't come down. is it normal or i did something wrong?
Thanks to all
[edited by: alabamaman at 6:17 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 23 2011]