Several questions

Hi everyone,

in a few days i'm gonna use a Congo jr.. I'm doing some training with the manual, and i've found dome things i didn't find an answer to.

The questions are several but pretty simple, i hope they won't be too much and, most of all, stupid. If they will, i beg your pardon.

1- In the preset list or i the palette list editor i can modify attributes values of moving heads, but i can't insert palettes. Is it impossible or i ignore something?

2- Is there a way to scroll up/down the output editor window?

3- is there a shortcut to open the devices list?

4- is it possible to put more channels with different intensities in a step of an effect? I need to do that as an effect to record i a preset, otherwise i know i could do a sequence and record it on a master key.

4b - otherwise, would it be possible to record that sequence into a preset?

5- i tried to record a single parameter on a master key with the mask function. The parameter goes up to full following the fader, but won't come down. is it normal or i did something wrong?

Thanks to all



[edited by: alabamaman at 6:17 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 23 2011]
  • Hi,

    I will try to get you some quick answers, unfortunately, I don't get to spend as much time on the Congo as I would like these days.


    1.)  In the preset list, you can insert a preset by using the INSERT key or you can insert a specific preset by # INSERT.  Off hand I don't know if you can insert a palette from the list, but I would imagine that you can even though I wouldn't.  I would create palettes from the live tab even if I am creating dummy palettes. 

    2.)  Arrow keys are your main navigation tool.  Also, holding down the arrow key and using the level wheel will scroll you through many of the tabs.


    4.)  A sequence does sound like the way to go.  I will let someone better with effects answer this more.

    4b.)  It is possible to have the preset fire the sequence on a master.

    5.)  You say you "recorded a single parameter on a master key", did you record it as a preset on the master or load the parameter on to the master?  If you recorded it as a preset, you want to make sure that "rubberband" is enabled.  I believe in the latest software this is an option by master and not global.

    Hope this helps,



  • Hi,

    I will try to get you some quick answers, unfortunately, I don't get to spend as much time on the Congo as I would like these days.


    1.)  In the preset list, you can insert a preset by using the INSERT key or you can insert a specific preset by # INSERT.  Off hand I don't know if you can insert a palette from the list, but I would imagine that you can even though I wouldn't.  I would create palettes from the live tab even if I am creating dummy palettes. 

    2.)  Arrow keys are your main navigation tool.  Also, holding down the arrow key and using the level wheel will scroll you through many of the tabs.


    4.)  A sequence does sound like the way to go.  I will let someone better with effects answer this more.

    4b.)  It is possible to have the preset fire the sequence on a master.

    5.)  You say you "recorded a single parameter on a master key", did you record it as a preset on the master or load the parameter on to the master?  If you recorded it as a preset, you want to make sure that "rubberband" is enabled.  I believe in the latest software this is an option by master and not global.

    Hope this helps,



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