Inhibit master problems

I currently have a show that uses three masters set to inhibit mode in order to do a manual 'flash off' effect.

There are two problems:

1. When the master page is changed through a page with an inhibit master, it grabs the fader and won't let go until the fader gets to 100%.  Then the new assignment gets control and, if it's not inhibit mode it comes on at 100%.  I can't see any ways round this other than to only use inhibit mode in those positions or never change page during a show.

2. When the desk is restarted, the channels on an inhibit master don't work properly - the only way the channel can come on is by assigning it to an exclusive mode fader (which presumably overrides an inhibit).  Setting the masters back to normal mode and restarting restores normal operation.

One clue: In the master view, the page with the inhibits on appears twice.  Fading up the second copy from there with the level wheel did not cure the problem.

Are these problems known about?

Is there a way to make inhibit masters inverted so that full up is fully inhibited?  To me that is the way an inhibit master should work.  And would solve problem 1.

Is there a better way to flash a light off (i.e. temporarily turn a channel off using a flash button or similar)?

Is there a solution to problem 2?

Using v6.0.4 on Congo Jr + Master wing on USB

Regards Trevor


  • We have made several improvements to how Inhibit Masters are handled in Congo v6.1.0.

    Looking at the v6.1.0 release notes, these two bugfixes were to correct the issues you've seen:

    • RND 0012238 Masters: Handling of Inhibit masters is incorrect when switching pages and at startup.
    • RND 0011428 Masters: Improve logic when multiple Inhibitives affect a channel.

    With regards to your other comments:

    Inhibits are really 'Sub-Grand-Masters', so they are the same way around as the Grand Master. I think it would be quite confusing to have the two near-identical functions work in opposite directions!

    Secondly, a Master Page is actually only 20 Masters, it's not all 80.
    The console is quite happy for you have the same page currently active on more than one bank of Masters, in the same way that you can have the same Preset, Sequence or indeed anything else assigned to multiple Masters at the same time.

    In v6.1.0, multiple Inhibit Masters (whether 'copies' of the same one or not) now act as lowest-takes-precedence - so if one is at 0% and another is at 50% then the 0% one is controlling. This wasn't handled so well in previous versions.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:15 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 26 2011]
  • Glad to hear the problems are fixed in 6.1.0

    If there are 80 logical masters but I only have one 40-master wing, how do I change the pages of the other two banks?  And how did one of the 'other' banks get set to page 4, where the inhibits are?

    I think it would make more sense to have the same number of logical masters as physical ones - unless there are none in which case some virtual ones may be useful.

    How can I scroll in the master screen?  I expected arrow & level wheel to work as it does on other screens.

  • Glad to hear the problems are fixed in 6.1.0

    If there are 80 logical masters but I only have one 40-master wing, how do I change the pages of the other two banks?  And how did one of the 'other' banks get set to page 4, where the inhibits are?

    I think it would make more sense to have the same number of logical masters as physical ones - unless there are none in which case some virtual ones may be useful.

    How can I scroll in the master screen?  I expected arrow & level wheel to work as it does on other screens.

  • When you make a new show the Master banks are assigned to pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 by default.

    On Congo jr the easiest way to change the other banks is by using the Pages softkeys:

    1. Softkeys mode, back to the top level (<--- button a few times)
    2. {Masters} softkey
    3. Now you have softkeys {Page 1-20}, {Page 21-40}, {Page 41-60} and {Page 61-80}, one for each bank.
      Hold down one of these and hit {Page +} or {Page -} softkeys to change page, or # {Page x-y} to jump a bank straight to a particular page.

    Scrolling the Master View Tab and Masters Dock is the same as in other Channel-type views:

    • Make the view the one with the Gold border ([Tab] or [Browser] & [Arrow_Key]
    • Hold down [CH/ID] and roll the wheel.
    • There is also [Format] & [Up or Down Arrow) to reduce/increase the amount of information shown for each Master.

    The Arrow keys are used to navigate around spreadsheet-type views, eg in the Preset List you can scroll the upper Channels view separately from the spreadsheet by using [CH/ID] and the wheel.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:18 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 28 2011]