Life after Expression the Congo we go!

Hello everyone, first post!

I studied lighting in college in the late 90'sand got work in a venue for the last 10 years, pretty much only using the Expression 3. Now our venue is getting a full upgrade and our brand new ETC Congo Jr showed up today.

Well you guys can guess, things have been a bit rusty for me, I got used to the "Yoda" syntax ok, but what tripped me up worst is the lack of a release button. It is second nature to use that in the E3, and I have not yet found an equivalent on the Cjr.

Of course I have a new show to program with only less than a day behind the board, so any tips or tricks would really help me out. I work in a small community venue, so I have relied of my submasters a lot to quickly program lights since we have a new show almost every day with pretty much no turnaround.

My Cjr came with a master playback wing, and dont even get my started on that one...cuz it also works differently than I expected.

Anyways, thanks and any tips and tricks would be awesome.

  • I see the direct selects sitting there, but I havent the foggiest what they do. The booklet has not been to helpful in that regard.

    Can I use them to quickly select a moving light for example? Or am I misinterpreting its function?

  • Obienator said:

    I see the direct selects sitting there, but I havent the foggiest what they do. The booklet has not been to helpful in that regard.

    Can I use them to quickly select a moving light for example? Or am I misinterpreting its function?

    Yes you can.

    At the top left of the console are 40 direct select buttons above these in the far corner are 5 silver page buttons. on the Jr they are at the side of the console wing and at the top left of the main console this gives a total of 200 dedicated direct access buttons between the two blocks are the type and bank keys.

    To choose what you would like each block of 10 buttons to do.

    select silver button Bank 1

    Press and hold [Type] the available choices for each of the four sections

    Press Focus, colour, beam, palette,group,screen,parameter,auto group, more will appear. Press the button that corresponds to the content type you want to display

    To select the range

    Press and hold Bank 1-10,11-20,21-30 etc,etc

    Press the button that corresponds to the bank you want 


    Lets set page 1 to show focus, colour, beam and group

    Press and hold [Type]

    Focus in the top left bank select
    Colour in the bottom left bank select
    Beam in the top right bank select
    Group in the bottom right bank select


    You will now see the groups we just record appear in the bottom right block.

    The direct selects display things that you have already recorded like groups or colour palettes. they can also display parameters of moving lights that are already patched

    For example you could show the colours of a scroller by selecting the TYPE Param then with
    a scroller channel selected press the colour palette key then the colour key under the moving light display

    You will now see the first ten colours of the scroll in the direct selects
    repeat this in another block of 10 and then change the bank to 11-20 and you will see the rest of the colours.

    You can now select the scroller colours directly from the direct select keys.


    I hope that helps....

