Random lights after powerdown

Ok, we've been working with out Congo Jr console for about a week here.

Randomly, after we go through a proper power down sequence, soemtiems the board will put up several dimmers at non-consosistant levels.

Our current dimming system is an ETC Sensor Rack from the early 90's (i can get a year and sofware version if that helps) and im wondering if this has been seen before, if there's likely a problem, and if you think it's with our Sensor rack or the console.

  • Hi

    I don't know that happens but we've got the same problem and we have Digi IV dimmers from Robert Juliat. Even if we try to taking of the DMX cables (we are using the 2 DMX exits) some projectors, never the same, will light up.

    This is one thing that happen on our Congo rarelly but on the Congo's Jr was more frequent. It becames almost impossible to shut down 1 of the Jr after we install the 4.3.1 version. For insteance last saturday we stay for almost 10 minutes to shut down the Jr console without lighting up any projector. Some times even when my collegue disconnect the DMX cables before exit the program everything light up.

    I don't know if the driver that is on the etc web page will solve this problem but I'll try with another Congo Jr with 4.3.2 version plus the driver installed to see if this hell continue. I'll use another cause we have a play on scene and don't want to try nothing different on the console that we are using on the show.

  • Arel, your problem sounds like the DMX output card firmware.

    Congo Jr Consoles sold before April 2007 had a fault with the DMX firmware resulting in the output being under-powered, that could cause flickering levels and momentary loss of control.
    A side effect of this was that the power down sequence could send a random 'spike' down the DMX line, resulting in an unexpected level on a dimmer.

    However, Pedro's problem sounds like overly-sensitive dimmers, because disconnecting the DMX cables is causing his dimmers to come on.
    The firmware update should improve the situation, but may not completely fix it.

  • Arel, your problem sounds like the DMX output card firmware.

    Congo Jr Consoles sold before April 2007 had a fault with the DMX firmware resulting in the output being under-powered, that could cause flickering levels and momentary loss of control.
    A side effect of this was that the power down sequence could send a random 'spike' down the DMX line, resulting in an unexpected level on a dimmer.

    However, Pedro's problem sounds like overly-sensitive dimmers, because disconnecting the DMX cables is causing his dimmers to come on.
    The firmware update should improve the situation, but may not completely fix it.
