Ipad etc app

Hey all i have a congo sr and my ipad is not not making a connection with it since i made the upgrade to iOs5.

I have a 1st gen ipad wifi only the day after the upgrade it worked fin then last night i tried to connect and i get the no connection established but i go into settings and it see the console.


Anyone else having this problem?

  • Ditto here with my iPhone.  Worked fine the first time with iOS5 and now doesn't get past one command without  shutting down.  Hopefully a iOS5 compatible version will be coming out soon?

  • Good Evening,


    iOS5 is working fine. There may be something in your WLAN Settings on your phone that need to be checked.

    Please activate Airplane Mode and try again. See these forum entry for more information:


  • Hi,

    Actually, there seems to be a general problem with iOS5 that many iPhone and iPad users have experienced since they upgraded to iOS5. Network connection is frequently dropped. I haven't seen a formal response from Apple yet but I hope they are working to solve this iOS issue.

    [Clarification] Turning on Airplane mode as mentioned before might help as a workaround until it gets fixed since it will make sure that the device is using the network connection and not the cellular one. 


    [edited by: Anders Ekvall at 3:31 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 24 2011]
  • I've noticed with my new setup on my Ipad (no G3) that I have no such problems, but when I run the same setup on my Iphone, my iPhone doesn't like the fact that the wifi has no internet access, so it decides after a bit to switch to a different wifi that does provide internet access. If I switch into airplane mode and then select the Congo wifi feed, I have no problems. Just got the iphone so it's iOS 5. I think they have some functionality that causes the iPhone (and I suspect iPads with G3 capability) to reject wifi feeds that don't have internet access, making the assumption that the wifi is broken if it doesn't feed to the internet.

  • I've noticed with my new setup on my Ipad (no G3) that I have no such problems, but when I run the same setup on my Iphone, my iPhone doesn't like the fact that the wifi has no internet access, so it decides after a bit to switch to a different wifi that does provide internet access. If I switch into airplane mode and then select the Congo wifi feed, I have no problems. Just got the iphone so it's iOS 5. I think they have some functionality that causes the iPhone (and I suspect iPads with G3 capability) to reject wifi feeds that don't have internet access, making the assumption that the wifi is broken if it doesn't feed to the internet.

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