Color Change during Chase Effect


I'm trying to figure out how to correct this issue:

When running a sequence, I will have a chase effect running with some of my LED fixtures. Then I will have another preset that has a color change, but the chase is still running. Once it completes the crossfade, some of the fixtures are changing color to what's in the next preset on deck. I'm guessing it's some sort of move dark setting, but it's only happening on some fixtures, and not all, and it's a different set of fixtures that behave incorrectly each time I run it depending on what step in the chase it's on when I start the fade. The only way I've been able to work around this is to either have a level in the preset for the LED fixtures that's above 0, or have the minimum level in the chase set to above 0. While sometimes this is ok, I want to be able to do a full 0-100 on the chases sometimes. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • Jeremy,

    The move-when-dark setting is available per-step.  There are 3 options: 'Auto Mark', 'Go On Go' and 'Go In B'.

    It sounds like you have 'Auto' set which moves fixtures with zero intensity when loaded into 'B' and non-zero intensity on the step they are set in.  You need to set it to 'Go On Go', which won't change attributes until you go to the preset they're in. (You may also want to change the attribute time to 0.01 to get a snap colour change).  There is no need to move-when-dark with LED fixtures that can change colour instantly.

    There is also a 'M' (mark) intensity that outputs zero, but is otherwise treated as non-zero.  Find it on the Channels soft-key menu.  Using 'M' with your workaround will probably be easier if you also have mechanical fixtures in the same preset that do need to move-when-dark.

    Hope that helps.


  • Jeremy,

    The move-when-dark setting is available per-step.  There are 3 options: 'Auto Mark', 'Go On Go' and 'Go In B'.

    It sounds like you have 'Auto' set which moves fixtures with zero intensity when loaded into 'B' and non-zero intensity on the step they are set in.  You need to set it to 'Go On Go', which won't change attributes until you go to the preset they're in. (You may also want to change the attribute time to 0.01 to get a snap colour change).  There is no need to move-when-dark with LED fixtures that can change colour instantly.

    There is also a 'M' (mark) intensity that outputs zero, but is otherwise treated as non-zero.  Find it on the Channels soft-key menu.  Using 'M' with your workaround will probably be easier if you also have mechanical fixtures in the same preset that do need to move-when-dark.

    Hope that helps.


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