Master Content effects on HTP ??? CONGO



I have a question to pass a master of content effets on HTP mode.

I have an effect for automatic projector on this master, and when down this master (after the effect), they don't return on the last position?


Thanks a lot for your answer, its so urgent.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Vincent,

    Sorry for the long delay. There have been intensive discussions around this topic and how to best solve it for you.

    There is one thing that you could try: Keep the return-to setting set to Main PB and set the Fader Attribute mode to Execute at 1%. When the fader reaches the bottom position, the parameters from the preset in A should be executed and steal back the parameters that were stolen by the running effect.

    If this doesn't work, you will have to force the values to the wanted target (when the master is faded out) to get rid of the effect contribution.

    You can manually trigger an LTP move on another playback, or manually press refresh on the main playback to do this.



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